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If it were Hillary or Obama they would have held a press conference with the gay porn star at their side. PapayaSF 7. Ironic photo of the week: Bullet holes in the glass doors of a Marine recruiting office, around a "No guns" sign. I grant that there don't seem to be bullet holes in the sign itself, so maybe the sign just needed to be bigger. Francisco d'Anconia 7. AlmightyJB 7. CptNerd 7. Cloudbuster 7. You know, this video is supposed to be a comedy, but in point of fact, the point is making is so self-evidently true it makes you want to weep. Gawker comes off pretty lame in this whole thing.

What would read as a juicy blind item doesn't make much of a good scandal story when revealing names leads to Timothy Geithner's brother. Migrant Log Chipper 7. Brochettaward 7. The stupidity and hypocrisy here is astounding, but it is fucking Gawker, after all. Tell me the next time Gawker is antagonistic towards one of their sacred cows. Pro Libertate 7. I agree with his last sentence. How much do Gawker sites attack the current government? You know, the people in power? I'm even more extremely suspicious of people who say what he does and do the exact opposite.

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I'm a little troubled that this post takes their story seriously, since there doesn't appear to be any evidence beyond the claims of the blackmailer. It may be true, but why spread it when the media site's credibility is so shitty? I suspect they'll have little trouble achieving actual malice. Notorious G. I'm guessing Gawker isn't a conservative site, otherwise they'd be denounced for homophobia, a term which for once seems applicable.

You realize the implications of that, right? It means the media should be shakedown artists using blackmail to get politicians to vote for "gay rights" legislation. By the way, we note that the Trans Rights Act of is coming up for a vote, I assume you're voting for it, right? Which of course could be a reason so many elected officials have developed a newfound enthusiasm for "gay rights. We're dealing with a movement which believes anything is justified in the name of their holy cause.

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Which is another reason not to give people power. It's kind of like giving the government a back door into encryption code. Jeez, man, you almost make it sound like journalists would just label a person or a business "anti-gay" even when its acknowledged they've never actually engaged in a single act of discrimination. I mean, come on. Journalists have ethics and stuff. Mickey Rat 7. Of course Soave realizes the implications of that, he may not realize you are not supposd to discuss that quite so openly, however. Normally, anything following these words has a And while I wouldn't want to suggest for a moment that a gay hooker isn't a completely credible witness, shouldn't we check the truth of his story about his housing situation, and the causes thereof, before accepting his story about being solicited by Geithner?

Yeah I mean Gawker is where Robby got the totally solid source that gamergate made a time machine used it to travel to march and threaten Anita with a bomb before the hashtag ever existed. It's totally true, but the time travelers keep going back and erasing all the proof Gawker finds before Gawker finds it!

TMLutas 7.

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It was the puppies that supplied the time machine. You can't trust science fiction nerds to stay stuffed in those lockers. John C. Randolph 7. I wrote Gawker off back when they got themselves banned from the Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas, a couple of years before that fracas with the stolen iPhone prototype. I hope the impending litigation destroys them utterly, and renders every one of those greasy little twats unemployable.

Ted S.

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It's idiotic. Unknown Brother of ex official? Gawker are the 'people in power' here abusing their role. The pretense that abetting blackmail is somehow part of their societal mandate as "the press" is ridiculous and contemptable. No mention was made of guys family at all.

For all anyone knows wife approves of DL-bi hubby. Princess Trigger 7.

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  6. Conde Nast owns Reddit. Gawker has a hard-on for bashing Reddit. That may be the reason they went for it, or they might just be dicks. I didn't think about that. Yes, this could be revenge for Pao even though days after her termination, the new boss said they're going to go even further cracking down on what's posted than Pao did, so it really doesn't matter beyond "we want a woman in charge. JohnnyL 7. Hell, my local paper this morning reported it as a "Lone Wolf" shooting so nobody would start connecting the dots about Islamic terrorists.

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    Ama-Gi Anarchist 7. The goddamn government cock sucking media automatically dredges up a supposed connection to either ISIS or Iran eventhough -. ISIS is supposedly a guerrilla movement inside Syria and Iraq and would have 0 reasons to attack the US, and therefore any such connections are tenuous at best if not outright bullshit propaganda. Cause, ya know, we gotta stay in Iraq because of "reasons".

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    ISIS supposedly wants to bring about the Caliphate, so antagonizing the lb gorilla unafraid to use "death from above" is idiotic Iran would have even less incentive to antagonize the US because of the new nuclear deal. Furthermore, they're involved in a proxy war with Saudi Arabia which is most certainly the real security threat to them and why they want The Bomb No one wants to see the elephant in the room: Saudi Arabia. Of course, some are already pointing out that the shooting has fallen out of the headlines.

    Like you said, must not connect the dots, otherwise we might have to pay attention to The House of Saud VG Zaytsev 7. This story is an obvious lie because Bo has assured me that no man interested in Gay Sex would ever marry a woman and have children. But suppose he did. Does a private citizen holding hypocritical views now constitute grounds for destroying their life?

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    Let he who has never been hypocritical cast the first stone Then, the rest of you, take a look at that guy who threw the first stone, because he's not only a hypocrite, he's a liar, and a nasty SOB. Christophe 7. If he was holding political office, it'd be justified hypocrisy or not. But then again I think woodchippers are justified. Bill Dalasio 7. First of all, David Geithner isn't in power. He's a businessman with a famous brother.

    Second of all, even his brother isn't in power anymore. He's a guy that used to be in power. Lastly, "if it's true, you publish" coming from the likes of Jezebel is laughable on its face.

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    Does anyone think that if the person involved had been a female porn star that the story would have ginned up the amount of revulsion that it has? Ruin his life because he is ostensibly a family man who may be gay Ruin his life cause he is a straight family man who wanted to have an affair Double standards all the way down.

    Red Rocks Rockin 7. Hell, by all accounts Tiger Woods is a huge sex addict who selfishly destroyed his marriage to bang porn stars. Yet the SJW brigade at ESPN keeps trying to prop up his career and give him publicity even though in today's world these kind of actions typically make the perpetrator completely radioactive. NFP 7.
