Really young gay boys

I had just moved to Georgia to live with my grandparents, and started the year late Georgia goes back to school in early August in early September. I was standing in line at lunch talking to some guys from my last class when someone poked me in the side to get my attention. The kid that poked me introduced himself as Sam Roberts. Instead of sitting with the guys I came to lunch with I sat with Sam and his friends for lunch, the others completely forgotten. Sam quickly became my best friend when we noticed we both carried around notebooks full of drawings Sam is the best anime artist I know in person instead of class notes.

There was a long weekend some time in the spring, which meant no school on Monday, and Sam was coming over to eat junk, watch anime, stay up later than the other so we could draw on the loser's face, and just be weird nerdy 13 year old boys. Late in the night, I think we had just watched Death Note , we agreed we were both ready to drop so we turned off my tv and climbed into my bed. I remember I was just about to fall asleep when Sam blurted out that he liked me "in that kinda way" I didn't say anything at first I just sat there thinking about what he had just said to me.

I was shocked because I had always been taught that being gay was bad, evil, ect. It didn't bother me that Sam had just said he liked me though We stayed best friends until high school when I stayed dating my current boyfriend 5 years strong! To this day I still miss the friendship I had with Sam That's too bad but didnt sam move on and find himself a guy?

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Well, the thing is Sam and I didn't stop being friends out of nowhere in high school. After, about two years of being in denial I started to see I was lying to myself about being attracted to guys; at the time Sam started dating this guy Ben. I hung out with Sam and Ben a lot as the third wheel After awhile Ben began to get annoyed that I was always coming along, which I totally understand.

He wanted alone time with his boyfriend, but Sam would never really just hang out with Ben without me.

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Things got very awkward very fast. Things really took a turn when I met Ben's younger brother Tanner, my current boyfriend. By the time of my senior year I almost never hung out with Sam, which was really awkward when we were both over at Tanner and Ben's house. The next year, Sam, Ben and I went to the same college Tanner was doing his senior at this point and things between Sam and Ben were bad because Sam was a mega flirt and always got snappy when Ben would try to say something about it.

Because we all hung out with the same people I would see the way what Sam was doing was hurting Ben and would try to comfort Ben whenever he would get upset, this slowly started a friendship between us. In the end, Sam and Ben broke up because of some crazy fight were Ben almost got in some real trouble which makes me feel bad for Ben he really loved Sam.

After about a month, I think, Sam started dating a girl named Amy Ben hasn't dated anyone since Sam. By the way, I love your profile picture! Him and Minho are my favorite. Wow you just posted your first story seriously that is a lot going on. How weird is it that you ended up being good friends with Ben instead who didnt like you initially. And sam And you're with your friends's lil brother that is so cute p. Haha, I guess I did Sam lives down the street from me in a different apartment complex with his girlfriend, its a small town. My friend Tasha got me into k-pop and k-dramas in high school, I've been addicted ever since.

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Sadly, my boyfriend doesn't like k-pop and will only watch dramas with me if he thinks someone is cute in it. Oh wow And i dont watch drama either. There're kinda too slow lol. I really like shinee, big bang also T. P and G dragon when its just them , some super junior, 2ne1 kinda and exo. Oh but some of the dramas are really good. You should try watching coffee prince its really funny. Shinee rocks!

And i love TOP too but not GD exo's okay, i like the old super junior tho and i never liked 2ne1 i prefer J-drama instead. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Sign up for a new account in our community.

Gay USA – Interview

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Recommended Posts. Posted May 22, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites.

Posted May 24, A story? It is interesting. Posted July 25, Posted August 1, So wonderful.

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Posted August 8, Posted August 14, Posted August 23, That's really sweet. I left it a few weeks, before telling her again. She realised I was serious, and respected my feelings and wishes. At the age of 11, Lee had a relationship with a 14 year old named Andrew. They sent me to an education centre. We used to hang around together and became really close friends.

After a while he told me that he was on the rent scene. I asked him if he wanted a boyfriend and he said yeah.

I’m 14, I’m gay & I want a boyfriend

So we started going out with each other. That was when I first had anal sex and learned about condoms. I shagged him and he shagged me. It bought tears to my eyes. It was painful, but I liked it as well. I enjoyed it more than sex with a girl. For about 18 months, Lee joined Andrew doing sex for money, picking up men in the local gardens and bus station.

I stopped about a year and half ago. When I was doing it, I felt sick.
