Dating a gay flight attendant

In closing, thank you to those of you who are close to me and sent me messages after the breakup and offered a shoulder to lean on and thank you for continuing to read this blog! I am sorry I have been slacking this month with updating it, but between the break up and the move, in addition to changing my flying schedule around to accommodate both events, time escaped me.

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Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: A lot of people dream that one day they can do what I do: When I started flying a few years back I never realized how difficult it would become to find a romantic interest that would accept what I do for a living. Many flight attendants do this job because of the flexibility, travel benefits and because they love people and love to fly—just kidding—but seriously, this job is unique.

When men were finally allowed to become flight attendants, mostly gay men applied for the position and there was already a stigmata associated with them as being able to have meaningless sex and jumping from guy to guy. I, for one, am relationship oriented. I like having someone to come home to and share my life with. After overcoming that hurdle and finding guys who think the job is fun and interesting, the harder part is locating someone who is okay with you being away. Finding someone who understands the job and accepts it for what it is, truly is a needle in a haystack.

They both understand the job and understand the concept of being away. However, my fear would be completely conflicting schedules and you never being able to see each other.

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Luckily, my boyfriend is one of those people. From the start he thought the job was intriguing and different and we never really encountered an instance when my being away hindered our relationship. Sure there were those times when one of us really missed the other person, and my being out of town stung a bit, but it made my homecoming that much more emotional and exciting. Now living together, I find that when I go to work, it gives our relationship the small break we need from each other.

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It allows him alone time to do his own thing with his friends, work quietly on his homework and relax not to mention have the whole bed to himself. Anyone can see how this can be annoying and suffocating. I know that without them, my workday would be lacking the shine; dull, and so much less interesting.

Before becoming a flight attendant , my entire life was engulfed by people that thought the same as me. That acted the same as me. That grew up the same as me. That believed the same as me.

Then I became a flight attendant. Then I became a better person. My ideologies, and ideals were challenged, questioned, and explored. Snap judgments made in the past, regarding people, and cultures, and religions were revisited. I discovered a deeper acceptance of myself, partly because of the people that I interacted with and how they were, and are, SO different than me.

In all of our differences, I am still accepted.

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