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The Spanish language spoken here, heavily influenced by dialects of Andalusia, Murcia and Galicia, can also sound like Neapolitan Italian sometimes. Not surprising in a country where almost two thirds of the population claims Italian descent. Following independence, English and Scottish settlers arrived to invest in agriculture and industry.

They introduced football to Argentina as they helped to build rail and banking systems, and British Shorthorn, Hereford and Aberdeen Angus cattle breeds, along with refrigerated train cars and ships, contributed to Argentina's position as a major world producer of beef. The modern rivival dates from s Paris and New York, but the distinctive dance and musical styles originated in working-class port neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, developed from a mix from many sources: Spanish, Cuban and African influences, along with contributions of other European immigrants' instruments and techniques.

This produced the final definition that would become the craze of Paris in , then London, Berlin, and the world. Argentine high society then adopted this "low-class " dance as their own. At first, male-only groups of tango dancers practiced for years among themselves before a debut at a public Milonga. But military juntas in power from considered them a threat to control, and in the course of their " Dirty War ," invoked laws against public gatherings to stop them. The return to democracy also brought a revival in Carnival.

The citizens of Buenos Aires seem unusually relaxed about matters of the heart.

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Gay people here are — like the city itself — sexy and sophisticated. Civil unions have been legal for gay couples since , and the city has long been at the forefront of gay rights in South America. In , the country passed same-sex marriage, making it the first country in the region to do so.

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Today you find gays living in almost every part of the city, rubbing elbows with their straight neighbors. International flights arrive at Aeropuerto Internacional Ministro Pistarini de Ezeiza , located about 29 miles west of downtown. There are shuttle buses and taxis waiting to whisk you downtown. Madero in about 40 minutes - see reservation kiosks in the arrivals hall.

Public buses are the least expensive option, at under 10 pesos about one nickel, US.

The Gay Travel Guide to Buenos Aires!

Take the number 8 to get down to the center - Plaza De Mayo - a trip of about 90 minutes. Single-ride tickets costing less than a dollar get you anywhere in the system of 86 stations on six color-coded lines. The network is complemented by the Premetro line and the Urquiza suburban line, with another 17 stations between them.

There are also connections to the rapid transport bus network - see their website for routes and schedules. Black and yellow taxis are always available, and surprisingly affordable - except if going to the airport, with the surchange to be paid. EcoBici , the city's bike-sharing service, is free to use and available 24 hours.

Register as a user online, then just follow the instructions. Avenida Santa Fe in Recoleta, and Palermo to the north with gay bars and nightclubs, are the gayest areas, and the historic San Telmo district is a magnet for gay couples looking to nest. The delta area, once known for elaborate Carnival boat processions, is now a relaxing weekend getaway for gay men from the city. It's also home to older guys who fled here to avoid police persecution or murder during the s dictatorship, and then stayed on. Check with your bank before leaving home for advice concerning withdrawal fees and credit card purchases.

The Gay Guide is the most useful resource in town, with business and services listings, events, maps and articles in English and Spanish. Besides suggestions of what to do and see, and how to get around, they'll help you find a new friend, choose among local bars, clubs and restaurants, and book a hotel room, or short term apartment rental.

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Revista Imperio ended publication a few years ago, but many of their back issues are still online. SentidoG , the Spanish-language Buenos Aires portal, aims " For their Buenos Aires general tourist information, sports and cultural events, see BuenosAiresTurismo. Since the annual Pride March has filled the streets of Buenos Aires in November - this past year on the third Saturday. For more deals on package trips to Argentina check out Club Zoom. The English-language Buenos Aires Herald daily newspaper had been published here since , during Victorian times, when Britain played a part in the development of railway and tramway lines, banking, agriculture and commerce.

Their last edition came out July For map locations and website links to businesses listed below, and more, see our gay Buenos Aires listings pages. For a look at some of the faces around town at the clubs, see our Buenos Aires gallery photos.

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