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It just makes the authenticity really shine, making it a true indie magazine, though one that is made professionally. Clearly a labor of lots of love. Where to get Gayletter: Find it at indie bookshops around the world, and online at gayletter. The darling of the indie gay publishing world, Hello Mr. Based in Brooklyn, printed in Berlin and distributed around the world in a mix of both indie magazine shops and corporate booksellers , Hello Mr. The magazine is printed on a smaller-than-usual size, 6x9inches—making it easy to carry around. Bold, bright colors, strong typography and beautiful imagery the latest edition has photos shot by Berlin favorite gay photographer, Matt Lambert.

Adult Gay Magazines CoverStory

The magazine is built on the back of stories from contributors, so the voices are wide and varied making the content especially interesting. Where to get Hello Mr: More information here. Their covers are certainly a bit more edgy than other gay magazines, focusing on the fringes of the LGBT and queer scenes—often overlooked by the other publications on this list. Where to get Loverboy Magazine: You can also order it online, or download digital editions here.

Check out their website for regular LGBT news and pop culture. Where to get Gay Times: Available internationally at major bookstores and newsstands, or online through the Gay Times app.

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Learn more here. In addition to their popular Popnography blog , OUT has some strong travel content. President has been featured on a LGBT magazine cover, which is particularly historic.

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Where to get OUT Magazine: Subscriptions are widely available and the magazine can be found at most major bookstores and newsstands. Learn more on their website. Not to mention all the local gay and LGBT magazines, produced in a number of different cities around the world. Check your local gay and lesbian bars, shops and LGBT centers for local magazines, or visit the growing amount of small, indie bookshops which are increasingly including LGBT-specific titles in their stock.

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5 Gay Magazines You Should Be Reading

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