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The most disgusting flash I have ever saw was not a sim date, but it was one that had a nude cartoon boy in it. I just wanted to stick a fork in my eye after seeing that. The author said it was called shotakon or something. The flash movie was called C B S. I blew the whistle on it. I also belive that the idea of a man trying to score with a man would HIGHLY disturb the majority of us newgroundsers, unless you count the occasional girl that comes on.

Sad though, that most of the dudes on are just lonely freaks who can't get a date so they use these to make up for it, and despite what tom says, they don't improve your dating skills. You know, I just had an idea. Why don't one of you clocks make an androgynous dating sim where you create your own clock character and try and get with other clocks.

I can see it now. That might be a clock flash that's actually really fucking funny. You know what, you've got a point. Its not like straight toon porn is normal anyway Although I am a fan.

If someone was to make a gay dating sim, i'd give it a go. Click here to see all the perks and browse our Wall of Honor. Member since: Member Level 02 Blank Slate. Why aren't there any gay dating sims?

Gay dating sim flash – Prathyusha Engineering College

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Member Level 10 Blank Slate. Member Level 17 Blank Slate. Member Level 19 Blank Slate. Supporter Level 16 Writer. BTW it isn't pointless so shut the fuck up, non-moderator. Member Level 21 Blank Slate.

Gay Dating SIms

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