Adam4adam gay website

Donations can be given using your credit card, and can also be auto-billed on a regular basis. Adam4Adam, or a4a as some members call it, offers excellent potential for gay men wanting casual sex, no strings attached interactions or hot chat and video sessions.

You can't beat the price free, with a few pay-per-use options that don't stop you from meeting other guys , and there's no shortage of gay men on the site in most worldwide locations. Other than the normal drawbacks with meeting people for casual encounters and the limited features available on Adam4Adam, I couldn't see any other negatives on the site.

Adam4Adam Review

Recommended, with some caveats. Visit Their Website.

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The company provided free access to this service for review purposes. For more information, please see our Ethics Policy. Overview from Adam4Adam "Adam4Adam is a site designed by people just like you -- unique -- just like everyone else. This keeps you from wasting time on inactive profiles.

Gay Dating Website Review: Adam4Adam (Part2)

Other than being able to meet tons of men to hook up with, Adam4Adam goes above and beyond any normal hook up site. They also offer a live webcam show for when you want something less personal and want to entertain yourself from the comfort of your own bedroom.

Adam4Adam - - Gay Sex Dating Site

Yes, you can now buy your underwear from a free hook up site. In fact, you can make sure fresh, new underwear is scheduled to be delivered to you every month.

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    Like his art. While Adam4Adam and other social networking venues are often dismissed as "sex sites", there is evidence to the contrary. For example, the Washington Blade featured an article about the evolution of online dating in which it was reported that:.

    Account Options

    Gay male social networking sites like Manhunt, Adam4Adam and the recently launched DList, for "edgy gay men," provide just as easy an opportunity for men to find a coffee date as easy as a gangbang. Adam4Adam uses the new "Restricted To Adults" label in the metatags of its pages. The RTA label is free to use, voluntary, and universally available to any website that wishes to clearly and effectively label itself as being inappropriate for viewing by minors. Software filters work much better than a federal law designed to keep pornography away from children on the Internet, a federal judge ruled Thursday in striking down the measure on free-speech grounds.

    Gay Sex Dating Sites Like Adam4Adam

    Senior U. District Judge Lowell Reed Jr. The never-enforced law was Congress' second attempt to protect children from online porn. The U. Supreme Court upheld in a temporary injunction blocking the law from taking effect; Reed on Thursday issued a permanent injunction. The law would have criminalized Web sites that allow children to access material deemed "harmful to minors" by "contemporary community standards.

    If successfully applied, these regulations would mean that Adam4Adam and similar companies would have to keep records proving that individuals appearing in photographs or videos are over the age of They would also have to "categorize those documents in a meticulous manner", with failure to comply resulting in possible felony charges and prison time. Further, not only the company but the website's members could be responsible under these same regulations. The same lawyer remarked that if he had a profile on Adam4Adam this would mean:. I would have to have a photocopy of my own ID and a list in my home ready for federal inspection, a paper with my legal name, or any name I have ever used under any circumstances [ Adam4Adam is mentioned several times and it is noted that Willi Ninja 's profile remained posted on Adam4Adam months after his September death received widespread press attention.

    In this article, an Adam4Adam spokesperson is quoted as saying "We deactivate them as soon as we get notified.
