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The Pinoy is not just looking for money and the foreigner is not just looking for a young sex object. I hope my words are helpful to you! This article is just a fragment of the reality between two cultures. Let us hope that more relationships work for the best. This country has a way for whipping cocky foreigners into shape.

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It is like a chess to outwit them, one should be subtle in assessing their motives. I wish I can share some ideas to you guys. But in my case, I managed to still attend to work after meeting him. Well, both are important so no one should be left behind. Multi-tasking is the key!

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A lot happened between us afterwards. We still communicate up until now but very seldom we get in touch. In my opinion, it varies from person to person. Well, definitely everyone wants to love and to be loved.

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This article is soooo funny. Idk why.

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Maybe because some of the points raised are true but more than that it is shallow and should be taken lightly. On a side note, I definitely agree that Filipinos need to stop asking foreigners money. It puts us in a bad light. When it comes to financially matters wherein some of the girl took advantage as they expect he is rich in there country..

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Thats why we must to avoid ask for something.. You may call me Im looking for a gay foreigner lover or husband to be with me.. Just drop me a message or call.. First you meet in the internet while some may have seen each other thru some apps or dating sites or in a bar.

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