Top 10 gay movies

Along for the journey is a young nun played by Penelope Cruz who is newly pregnant with Lola's baby. Stephen Beresford's Golden Globe-nominated screenplay underscores the need, as urgent as ever, for oppressed groups to join forces. There is power in a union! Norman Rene's film follows a group of gay men through the early years of the AIDS crisis, one day per year, starting on the day the New York Times first covered the story of the "gay cancer. What do a recently divorced woman and a middle-aged gay man have in common? They're both having an affair with a charming and stylish artist—and they're aware that the lover they share in common isn't exclusive to them.

John Schlesinger's acclaimed drama depicts two people who seek surprising ways to break free of their dull lives and reclaim their untamed youth. When her older lover, Orlando, dies suddenly, Marina must put her grief on pause as Orlando's ex-wife and family immediately shun her because she is transgender. In her film debut, Whoopi Goldberg plays Celie, an African-American woman in the early 20th century, who fights her way through oppression and abuse and finds an unexpected love along the way. This slice of gay life in mid-'80s Manhattan gave Steve Buscemi his first major film role, and tackled the AIDS crisis in a frank, non-sensational, even humorous manner.

Shot on iPhones along Santa Monica Boulevard's unofficial red light district, Tangerine follows two transgender sex workers and one lovesick cab driver through a particularly eventful Christmas Eve. Director Sean Baker found his leads—two first-time film actors—at the actual donut shop where much of the movie's action takes place. Two drag queens Hugo Weaving and Guy Pearce and a transgender woman Terence Stamp travel across the barren Australian Outback in a giant pink bus named Priscilla en route to a cabaret gig in Alice Springs.

Hilarity ensues as their travels involve misadventure after misadventure, but the trio come together as a family unit as they learn more about each other and their personal lives. The first mainstream queer film of the new millennium, Brokeback Mountain ushered its themes into the mainstream.

Heath Ledger's shy Ennis del Mar falls in what he cannot articulate as love with Jake Gyllenhaal's Jack Twist over a long, lonely winter, and their lives bounce off each other's for years afterward. The greatest, most achingly beautiful gay male romance movie. What begins as a contentious friendship turns into a full-blown love affair as the two young men spend their idle summer days in the lush Mediterranean locale, bracing themselves for an inevitable heartbreak. If any film can be credited with kicking off our cultural conversation on gender, this is it.

Hilary Swank's breakthrough performance anchors Kimberly Peirce's film about the murder of Nesbraskan trans man Brandon Teena.

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Boys Don't Cry was originally given an NC for even addressing trans issues, but was later downgraded to an R. Mike Nichols's American remake of La Cage aux Folles features Robin Williams as a gay nightclub owner whose son announces his engagement to the daughter of an ultra-conservative politician. In typical farce style, his partner Nathan Lane —the star of his club's drag show—poses as his dowdy wife in order to convince his son's future in-laws that they're a wholesome American family.

While highlighting the dramatic and powerful work from ACT UP, the film also depicts the personal stories of those fighting for their lives, delivering a human and urgent remembrance of the plague that afflicted millions across the globe—and continues on today. Todd Haynes brings Patricia Highsmith's cult novel to the big screen in this lush and seductive film following a young shopgirl named Therese Rooney Mara who finds herself charmed by an alluring older woman named Carol Cate Blanchett.

The two set out on a road trip on which they consummate an unspoken passion for each other—one that ultimately brings ruin to Carol's marriage and awakens dark desires within Therese.

The only film on this list to earn an Oscar for Best Picture—and deservedly so. Barry Jenkins explores masculinity and repression in his study of Chiron, a young man coming of age in Miami and played by three different actors at various stages of his life who grapples with his sexual identity amid his troubled relationship with his crack-addicted mother.

Chiron longs to break free of the predetermined path set out for himself by his environment, a journey set into motion by encounter with one of his male peers.

Top 10 Best LGBTQ+ Movies

Tom Hanks won his first Oscar for his performance as Andrew Beckett, a successful lawyer who is fired from his firm once the senior partners discover he has AIDS. Jonathan Demme's searing drama was the first mainstream film to tackle the AIDS crisis, and it gave a familiar face and voice to a marginalized community often ignored by their neighbors and left to suffer because of an intolerant society. Based on the play by Mart Crawley, and released less than a year after the Stonewall riots, The Boys in the Band perfectly depicts the complex experience of being a gay man at the time—at times joyful, often times confusing, painful, and informed by self-loathing.

This comedy still manages to balance the bite and the tenderness for its collection of characters, with its group of young gay men in New York City falling in and out of love and friendship , and unknowingly on the brink of a cultural revolution. Type keyword s to search. Today's Top Stories. There's Never a Bad Time for a Bellini. Everett Collection. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Wolfe Video. Amazon iTunes When Cyd goes to Chicago to stay with her aunt for the summer, she doesn't expect to fall for a girl who lives in the neighborhood.

United Artists. Magnolia Pictures. Amazon iTunes The life of Cuba's "transformistas" is captured beautifully in this father-son story about a boy who wants to perform drag and his father, newly released from prison and unable to accept who his son is. The Samuel Goldwyn Company.

50 Best Gay Movies | The Most Essential LGBT Films Ever Made

Amazon iTunes Filmstruck The quintessential '80s lesbian romantic drama, Desert Hearts follows an English professor and a young sculptor as they fall in love at a Nevada ranch in the s. The Orchard. Amazon Everyone deserves a silly teen comedy—even gay teens! Amazon iTunes An honest, unglamorous depiction of queer courtship. Music Box Films. Amazon iTunes Ira Sachs's autobiographical drama packs a hard punch as it follows a filmmaker, Erick, throughout his relationship with a young lawyer, Paul, which begins as a random sexual encounter and implodes following Paul's drug and sex addiction.

Kino International. First Run Features. Focus Features. Amazon iTunes Julianne Moore and Annette Bening play lesbian mothers to two teenagers whose blissful modern family is rocked when their kids seek out their sperm-doner father played by Mark Ruffalo. Amazon iTunes Audrey Hepburn and Shirley MacLaine play headmistresses at a school for girls who are accused by a student of being in a lesbian relationship. The Geffen Company. Amazon iTunes Starring Mariel Hemingway and a raft of real-life track and field stars, Personal Best follows a young bisexual pentathlete vying for a spot on the U.

Amazon iTunes Eliza Hittman's dark and moody film plays out a bit like a thriller, one in which a Brooklyn teenager named Frankie a superb Harris Dickinson, in a nearly wordless performance , who spends his idle hours hanging with his delinquent friends, fooling around with his girlfriend, or hooking up with men he meets online.

Fine Line Features. Amazon iTunes Gus Van Sant's loose Shakespearean adaptation brought the New Queer Cinema movement into the mainstream, with River Phoenix as a young, narcoleptic hustler and Keanu Reeves as his best friend and unrequited love interest.

Top 10 Greatest Gay Movies

Cinecom Pictures. Amazon iTunes "Don't you know I would have gone through life half-awake if you'd had the decency to leave me alone? Miramax Films. Amazon iTunes Mike Mills's sweet film concerns a Los Angeles artist, played by Ewan MacGregor, building a relationship with his newly-out father Christopher Plummer in the last year of the older man's life. Gramercy Pictures. Tartan Films. Amazon iTunes Gregg Araki at the top of his form.

Amazon iTunes Dee Rees's gorgeous directorial debut stars Adepero Oduye as Alike, a Brooklyn teenager who comes to terms with her own sexuality and puts the comforts of friends and family at risk as she discovers how to express her identity.

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Warner Bros. Orion Classics. New Line Cinema. Amazon iTunes Filmstruck John Cameron Mitchell brings his cult musical about "internationally ignored" transgender rock star Hedwig to the screen. The Weinstein Company. October Films. Amazon iTunes Lisa Cholodenko's chic directorial debut features a revelatory performance from Ally Sheedy as a prematurely retired photographer, and Radha Mitchell as the young woman who can revitalize her career.

Sony Pictures Classics. Amazon What do a recently divorced woman and a middle-aged gay man have in common? Amazon iTunes When her older lover, Orlando, dies suddenly, Marina must put her grief on pause as Orlando's ex-wife and family immediately shun her because she is transgender. Amazon iTunes Shot on iPhones along Santa Monica Boulevard's unofficial red light district, Tangerine follows two transgender sex workers and one lovesick cab driver through a particularly eventful Christmas Eve.

Sundance Selects.

The top 30

Amazon iTunes The first mainstream queer film of the new millennium, Brokeback Mountain ushered its themes into the mainstream. Amazon iTunes The greatest, most achingly beautiful gay male romance movie. Fox Searchlight Pictures. Teenage rage lurks under the placid surface, as he spends his summer walking the world-famous boardwalk of his backyard, shirtless and waiting for something to happen.

Giving Anne Heche and Sandra Oh the juiciest roles of their recent careers, Brooklyn-based filmmaker Onur Tukel managed to make a deeply pro-woman film that pissed off a lot of feminists with its title alone.

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With unimaginable grace, Ford interrogates the painful history of race in America and its indelible hold on him and his family. This bone-dry lesbian murder mystery has a little something for everyone: Genre lovers, cinephiles, and — most importantly — lesbians, who too often find themselves underrepresented in the movies. The script, by writer-director Ingrid Jungermann, is one of the most impressive debuts in recent memory.

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  • The 30 Best LGBTQ+ Films of All Time?
  • Jungermann also stars as Morgan, who runs a Brooklyn-based podcast about female serial killers with her ex-girlfriend, Jean Ann Carr. When Morgan meets the mysterious and alluring Simone Sheila Vand , Jean suspects she may be in danger.
