Younger older gay dating sites

He's turned down dates, just plain old casual dates, from perfectly reasonable guys who would be age appropriate. Nice guy, and a good friend, but whenever we get to this topic and he falls into his self-pity routine I want to strangle him. It's really unusual for males to like younger partners male or female. You never hear of men dumping someone for a younger version, or of ugly old rich men getting young handome men or women.

I'm 60 and as I posted a while ago, my boyfriend is We have a great time together. People keep saying, but what will you do in 15 years when you're 75 and he's I'm with you r46, II have the same kind of genetics and healthy lifestyle that keep me looking at least 10 years younger Don't worry about the jealous haters like r48 just enjoy it like I do. And yes, I can relate to being considered a slightly older contemporary to younger guys.

I used to be very hesitant about revealing my age, because the shocked reactions made me feel a little self-conscious.

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Now I'm just used to them and laugh them off. Like you, r56, being young just runs in my family. Sister is 40 and can easily pass for Could care less if anyone else believes me. No r20, they are just into younger - not older. Be honest. Unless they are looking for a wallet, they turn their noses up at older men. Ah, yes. There are many who fall into this category.

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I have a friend who is now in his late 50s. I haven't really spoken to him for a number of years, but when he was in his 40s he was always pining away for some gorgeous, handsome, hot guy in his 20s. Sometimes they were gay, sometimes they were straight, but they were always unobtainable. He was as nice as could be, but was overweight and out of shape, and didn't have a great job or a lot of money. That shuts them up. Yes everyone does know a few. You've entirely negated your own answer, haven't you?

Aging gay men desperate to hold onto their youth can be the most foolish people in the world, I'm afraid. They can convince themselves of anything but aging is so incredibly awful for so many of them--they spent their 20s denying they would ever age, and then nature takes her revenge.

Gay men are famous for leaving claw marks on their youth. Let it go, girls. Look good for your age. Sorry, OP, I have no website for you.

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Part of me wants to judge you negatively for the "boundaries" you've stated. But another part of me understands the desire to date youthful people, even though I'm a lesbian. I'm 42 and I never thought I was the type to give a shit about my age until I turned It's been difficult to accept the fact that I'm aging and my body is changing for no other reason than longer exposure to gravity. It's really true, once you hit that magic age of 40, everything starts to change. I've always liked older women but when I started struggling with my age, I found myself more attracted to younger women.

I'm kind of over that little crisis now but I do relate it directly with an unwillingness to face reality.

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I wish you luck in finding your perfect man but I also caution you not to wish yourself into lifetime bachelor status. Love can be found in places you never thought to look. Wow, this is so not a gay thing, but a male thing. Change the genders desired, and this sounds like a straight guy forum. Well said. But the reader of that message has to be a thinking person anyhow Older men liking pretty young things is nothing new and nothing confined to queer life.

Just look at all the straight men out there that dump their wives after they turn 50 and pick up some 20 something bimbo. Geeze some of you younger guys seem so mean and nasty. Not sure why anyone would want you at any age. People are just expressing how they feel.

I doubt anyone is looking for the advice of a 20 year old loser. Imagine it. I was in my late 40's when I became single.

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I joined a few meetup sites with no success. Learned about Silverdaddies and met quite a few great guys there. On Silverdaddies, if you're in your forties, you get it from both sides, as you might say. Problem was that the guys I was meeting were too far away for anything beyond a weekend tryst. So I cut my parameters to a 20 mile radius from my home. Within a week I met a guy in his late 20's.

Tall, blonde, handsome, with a thing for older guys. Lots of 'em out there. In May we'll have been together for six years. I am 47 and open to date any age. I am constantly hit on by guys in their 20's and not for money as some of these posts have suggested. I workout 6 days a week have a body better than most twenty somethings, I have all my hair and its not gray and look in my mid 30's. It is possible to be older and still be able to attract hot younger guys and it cracks me up when younger guys who aren't as attractive and don't take care of their bodies get jealous that I'm attracting the guys they want.

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So they love to say that the younger guy must be after money. Well its not always the case, I know this is especially true for me because I am a returning college student living on financial aid. I feel sorry for all you haters. I'm having a blast. Middle Age isn't supposed to mean the exact halfway point. Middle age is the spread between 35 and Jesus there are some judgemental people on here.

Just because it is not for you doesn't mean it isn't right Get over yourselves and on with your lives. I'm in my mid 40s and have dated many lads in their 20s to our mutual satisfaction and they keep coming back for more. Hmmm can't argue with what attracts you but a few years older and the sex is soooo much better!

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Seriously, I am in mid fifties and I spent a weekend with a guy last fall who was Sex was OK and he was buff and all but I came away hah pun there thinking that a few more years would have improved him so much. Mid forties to my age is so much more satisfying and you usually don't have to worry about being too old for him some day.

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  8. Because he Will get old too. Some of you bitchy young guys or bitter older ones need to lighten up. Male mammals are biologically hardwired to seek younger partners. I have a lot of straight friends and they are all attracted to young women, so it isn't some sick issue with fucked-up older gay man.

    And there are a lot of young men who are bored with guys their age and seek the maturity of older guys. And, some people here need to get real about people "using" people. Using and being used is a normal part of all relationships. Being abused is something completely different. When I was younger I was lucky to be very good looking. I got a lot of dates and attention clearly for that reason alone. I knew I was being used. So what! I got off on the attention. What is annoying about OP is that he wants his cake and to eat it too. You want to fuck younger guys be prepared to pay for it. You are just as superficial as those younger guys that are only into your money.

    You want to fuck young hot bodies? They want to be taken care of. Young guys need incentive to lick your wrinkly sagging balls and no, the stimulating conversation and "wisdom" you provide as an elder gay is not really incentive. I have no problem with daddies wanting to have their boys, but don't be a fucking cheap daddy and don't get get all sanctimonious expecting a one way parasitic relationship that clearly favors your issues as a stunted man child.
