Dating gay taurus

Erogenous Zone: Best Traits: Dependable, Persistent, Loyal.

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Worst Traits: Stubborn, Lazy, Possessive. Geminis sometimes have trouble choosing. Week 2. Narrow down your list of suitors not a bad problem to have , when you find someone who stands out in a positive way. Enjoy the energy, and remember, Mercury supports long-term planning….

Cancer Crabs express deeper feelings this month, especially around the 3rd, when the compliments you give to your partner come right back to you. Show a little more of your famously private self. Your vulnerability attracts prospective partners. Speak the truth…. Week 1. Look deep inside and see if what you have together is fulfilling.

If not, week 2 has you thinking about moving on or adopting a new method of getting closer. Find success by increasing communication with new dates and take decisive action to achieve your amorous intentions…. Nursing a crush is never fun, but keep expressing yourself in a positive way…. Krystella is our resident clairvoyant and each month she brings you her astrological insights. You can make a fantastic new impression on someone special. Single or newly dating? Be on your best behavior. Your hot-blooded sign is ready for some action this month. Week 1 sets your heart aflutter.

Good things to try: On the 11th, you get a powerful punch, perfect for helping you reconnect like never before…. Your fun-loving side gets a workout this month. You may have been questioning yourself in love lately, but this month clears up a lot. Single or partnered, you agree something has to change…. You have an exceptional month ahead regarding love and romance. Week 1 asks you to go bigger and brighter when it comes to showing your feelings.

Single and dating? In week 1, you unexpectedly begin to see someone in a new way.

You may be surprised by your feelings for a close friend and not know quite what to do about it…. The 1st week of this month begins with a surreal feeling, urging you to connect with your softer side. Try new places or different activities to meet people….

How to Attract and Keep a Taurus Man

Krystella's Inbox. Gay History. Earth Ruling Planet: Venus Erogenous Zone: Dependable, Persistent, Loyal Worst Traits: The rampaging Bull cuts a broad swathe through his admirers. Those who are partial to old fashioned manners and like being treated politely flock around the Taurus man.

Gentle with his lovers, he is a strong and sensual stud in the bedroom. Sex is like fine art, to be applied, enjoyed, and perfected.

Taurus Man in Love

There is no hurry when in bed with a Taurus man. He plays his lover like a musical instrument, drawing out the most beautiful notes, and paying attention to their needs and wants. He is generally considered most compatible with Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, and Pisces. See also Sun sign compatibility. However, there is a lot more to compatibility than only the comparison of the Sun signs.

For example, how do your Venus signs compare? Find out Venus signs here. Discover Venus sign compatibility here. With the bull as his Zodiac sign, you have to know that the Taurus man can be extremely stubborn. On the other hand, this very trait makes him uniquely persistent and the Taurus man will finish what he starts. This gentleman tends to be cautious in life and will keep within his comfort zone. Adventure will be sacrificed for practicality, and stability will win over change.

How to Win a Taurus Man

Beneath the composed, easy-going exterior of the Taurus man lays a tenacious temper — when you borrow something, remember to bring it back in the same condition you received it. The Taurus man enjoys the good life and will make sure that his partner is spoiled to the best of his ability.

Investments will be sound choices offering safe returns rather than high-yield, high-risk undertakings. He is forever attracted to things that promise to last. The refined Taurus man will highlight his wardrobe with mauve and pale blues, so you can expect to see silk ties and casual shirts in these colors. Always on top of the fashion scene, the Taurus man enjoys shopping for the latest styles in clothing and shoes.

Chiron enters Aries

Even though he dresses well and is proud of the way he looks, the Taurus man will rarely flaunt what he has. He buys to please himself. As long as his partner is committed to their relationship, the Taurus man will give himself completely to the success of their union.

Usually quiet and subdued, this man can be extremely jealous and will show another side of his nature if it becomes necessary to protect what he feels is his.

The Taurus man is an affectionate and sensual individual who enjoys the romantic pleasures of courting, but practices a great deal of patience before entering into a relationship. His voice and manner are generally calm, soothing, and even healing. These things are part of his overall appeal. This man takes pleasure in the warmth of physical contact, but is not an overly daring person in the bedroom — although the right partner could change that.

When it comes right down to it, the Taurus man knows what he likes and will make sure his partner knows exactly what that is! High stamina levels generally keep this man healthy, although there is often the threat of extra weight with his hearty appetite and love of great food. Nevertheless, many Taurus men monitor this well and apply their legendary willpower to keep themselves trim. The Taurus man is dependable and persevering, excelling in whatever assignment he takes on.

With a creative eye and enjoying the stability of a day-to-day routine, he would do well as a musician, artist, architect, or antiques dealer. This man loves money, so when you combine that with his positive characteristics, the gentleman is ideally suited for the position of banker, stockbroker, insurance agent, accountant, or realtor. Future Forecast Report. All About Taurus Taurus Ascendant. Get the full scoop with a Love Styles: About Him Report. Be sure to find out your personal astrology data online, at no cost. See our Synastry article for more advanced relationship analysis techniques.
