Shooter used gay dating apps

Omar Mateen, who authorities say killed 49 people at the gay nightclub Pulse in Orlando, Fla.

Multiple media outlets are reporting that some Pulse regulars recognized Mateen, saying that he had spent time at the nightclub before the shooting early Sunday. Meanwhile, at least two men have told the media they interacted with Mateen on gay dating apps.

Orlando mass shooter visited gay clubs, used gay dating apps / Boing Boing

Investigators have not commented on the claims. The Orlando Sentinel writes that "at least four regular customers" at Pulse said they had seen Mateen before. Ty Smith told the paper that Mateen would sometimes "get so drunk he was loud and belligerent. They noted that straight people patronized the club as well as gay people, and wouldn't speculate on Mateen's sexuality.

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His father was really strict," Smith said. Smith and Callen decided to keep their distance from Mateen after they saw him pull a knife at Pulse and threaten another patron, they told the Canadian news agency. But he recognized him — from Jack'd, a gay dating and chat app.

Speculation Orlando attacker was gay

Investigators are currently looking into the reports of Mateen's prior visits to Pulse and use of gay dating apps, which have not been officially confirmed. In the photograph, he said the man was standing in front of a mirror, holding his phone. His hair was short and wavy and his shirt was white, said Mr. Scott, 30 years old. Scott said.

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He said that the shooter looked familiar in images after the attack, and he is now convinced Mateen was on Grindr, especially after friends at Pulse said they saw Mateen at the club. A Grindr spokesman declined to say whether Mateen had a profile on its app. Law-enforcement officials said investigators are trying to determine if the gunman did, as some witnesses have claimed, use a gay dating app or had prior relationships with gay men that might have been part of his motivation for carrying out the massacre.

Officials said investigators have found evidence he scouted out the Orlando nightclub before the attack, and some patrons have said they have seen him there previously. Regarding reports that the shooter had attended the Pulse nightclub before the event, his father said that might have been to case it. Grindr surfaces images of members in proximity to each other.

Orlando Shooter Reportedly Used Gay Dating Apps, Frequented Gay Clubs

Because Mr. Scott works about 2 miles from Pulse, he said he often goes on the app during his break to chat with people or look for faces he recognizes from Pulse.

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Authorities say Mateen killed 49 people and injured 53, before being fatally shot by police. The year-old U.

He said he and his friends have been trying to piece together details of that night ever since. Regular Pulse club-goer says he thinks Omar Mateen was on Grindr a week before the shooting.
