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At first, the service was so slow that this writer remembers dialing up and going to the kitchen to put on a kettle for tea while waiting for the inbox to appear. Those who used the Internet on a regular basis were so far and few between that its future seemed sketchy at best. Then broadband appeared and download speeds improved.

According to tech entrepreneur Chris Schroeder, nearly 65 percent of Iranian homes have broadband access, nearly the same percentage as in the United States. Even more significant has been the introduction and proliferation of cellphones with 3G service. Schroeder estimates that 20 million Iranians now have access to 3G data on their phones.

Iranian software engineers have been quick to replicate American websites like Match. Already occupied filtering out dissident and pornographic websites, now the authorities have to watch for sites designated for dating that charge different membership fees for never-married people, divorcees and widows and widowers.

Of course, the surest way to attract a following in the Islamic Republic is to label something immoral or against religious laws.

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You are lying to yourself. You are not being honest with yourself. Your culture is crude and racist, closeted and closed up, freedom is banned, and everyone lives in fear of an invisible God. The rest of the western world did away with this stuff about years ago, at least the society and the people are not forced to any of it and you can insult any public official as much as you want without threatening them because you have free speech. You hate the governement of anywhere.

You hate. That is the only thing I understand about you.

You are capable of harboring resentment and hatred. And I promise you, you have not thought about any of this for 1 sweet min in your precious long life. Iranians are the most passive aggressive, self-deluding, confused mother lovers on earth. Trust me u will love it there. They welcome you fakely… the moment you cross a line, your humanity and life and respect and everything else about is just fair game without much formal rights or procedures… I mean they do this to theyselves… easily. In fact all the time.

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Its passive aggressiveness. Go think and meditate and read about this crap and learn to live a higher quality life free of crap identity and nonsense. Believe in Him.. Accept Him,make deals with Him. Believe in Him,reply to Him. This is how He is. He will take you to the border of hopelessness. He knows. Instead ,teach them through actions. How can we eat soup without spoons? Another person will drink it from the bowl,another person will take out a spoon they brought themselves.

It's here ,behind the curtain. It's behind the curtain. It's here,but doesn't give it. He doesn't give it on purpose. He wants to see your reaction. God has it,God has all of these. Why do you doubt Him?. He doesn't give 'He doesn't give it on purpose.

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God is my witness I am not trying to entertain you with my words. I remeber I told my friends at these youth camps,"let's do something ,someone has thrown their t-shirt over there. The exact same thing happens in other Middle Eastern countries too. It goes this way: How much does it cost? When they reach their destination Man sets to go out Taxi: Pfffffffft, How much do you want?

This is how I handle it: Hey guys come on here this country we want u here no difference what we believe we re humans we need each other to share our feelings cultures. As a Persian born in Europe, I still naturally practice tarof. It is almost ingrained in our genes. We are all fucked in the head somehow.

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Dont do it. Next time you did, embarass yourself and take it back and override it. Hi mr im an iranian girl and i live in iran and i must tell u we never have problem with gay or lez maybe must of people in iran dosent like this kind of relation here but lez or gay exist here too But i suggest u dont mantion u are gay here because sex and this kind of things are hiding nobody mantion this things here but if u see iranian people who is open minded u can tell If i had mistak in my text im sorry my wnglish is not good enogh.

But dont you ever live freely. But practice fear hourly. But embrace anxiety, it is everywhere. Look at USA they tell ya! But live a lie. Then we wonder why addiction and stress and mental issues and suicide and overall quagmire is the theme of the nation and country… we then proceed to blame previous generation, previous voters, the British bastards, the American infidels and brutes, our own basiji and government, and all along we fail to see our own selves in the fogged out mirrors.

Iranian People: Are They Really As Nice As Travellers Say?

You know I still believe in the goodness of humanity. I really enjoyed reading your post. These are a confused, self-deluding, angry and passive aggressive people constantly being victimized and played by powers to be. And like any country, Iran still has its conservatives.

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  7. True, Iran definitely has its conservatives. However, there are many Muslims there who would still abide by these rules I think. Thanks for making me even more determined to go now! And for writing such a truthful account! If you make it to Iran, you will have a great time. The people are friendly, the sites are stunning, the history is ancient, the food is delicious and the transport is comfortable! Glad you enjoyed the read. Thanks Goats!!!!!!!!! Really you have done a brave and great job with going other countries like Iran. Brave job because of all these fake news about Iranians in the media.

    Iranians are very kind to strangers from other countries more because of their rich ancient history and culture. If you read some of their ancient poetries for past years like Hafez, Omar Khayam and Rumi, you can find out why they love LOVE and hospitality to other human beings.
