Number of b29 bombers to escort the enola gay

It flew several photoreconnaissance sorties over Japan after the atomic bombs were dropped. Production totaled aircraft of all models. An aerodynamically efficient high aspect ratio long, narrow wing with tightly cowled engines was joined to a streamlined, tapered fuselage surmounted by a large vertical tail. Eleven crewmen were housed in three pressurized compartments, the nose, waist, and tail turret sections.

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A communications tube approximately inches diameter x feet long through which crewmen could crawl joined the nose and waist compartments. Some late war Superfortress models flew above 40, feet altitude where they were invulnerable to attack. The B built upon the earlier pressurization system Boeing developed for its Stratoliner airliner, being the first mass production pressurized by design airplane and bomber. This key technology, perfected by the U. Much of Boeing's success today as a jet airliner manufacturer can be attributed to its pressurization expertise. Wright Aeronautical provided the B with four R Duplex Cyclone radial engines, which were then the most powerful, at 2, hp.

Each engine was equipped with twin General Electric turbo-superchargers, which enabled the R to maintain maximum power up to 30, feet altitude, giving the Superfortress both high altitude and high-speed-at-altitude capability. However, engine fires dogged the B during its early service. Magnesium used in pyrotechnics it burns with a white searing flame in engine and airframe components exacerbated the problem. Fully armed B versions featured five gun turrets -- upper forward and aft, lower forward and aft, and a manned tail turret.

Each turret mounted two guns, except for the upper forward, which had four. All turrets were electrically powered the B was an electric airplane with more than electric motors, including landing gear actuation , remotely sighted and controlled no in-flight gunner access, including the tail turret , electro-mechanical computer directed, with manually fired guns.

General Electric developed the Central Fire Control system, which consisted of five interconnected electro-mechanical analog computers, one per gun turret. Each gunner could directly fire his own guns if the computer system was inoperative. All gunners had control of their turret and secondary control of others -- an intercom system provided communication between the gunners.

A gunner could fire the guns of another turret from his sighting position, and, uniquely, fire the guns of two or more turrets at once.

Number of b29 bomers to escort the enola gay – Prathyusha Engineering College

Thousands of these computers were manufactured for and utilized by Bs. This program, then, represents the first mass production and use of electronic computers, although they included mechanical components and thus were not purely "electronic. The defensive armament system proved successful in combat, and was exclusive among the combatants during the war.

This is probably the highest number of air-to-air kills by a single airplane during one mission. To introduce the B into combat, bombers were based in India to strike at Japanese targets in Indochina. Combat operations began on June 5, , with the bombing of Bangkok, Siam Thailand. In order to bomb Japan itself, Chinese staging bases were prepared. To mount a mission from China, the Bs had to first ferry their supplies from India over the "Hump" to China. When sufficient material was accumulated, the Bs struck Japan from their Chinese bases.

These attacks were ineffective and costly. Lewis pounding my shoulder, saying, 'Look at that! Look at that! Lewis said he could taste atomic fission. He said it tasted like lead. But in the log that he was keeping of the mission, he wrote:. David Jones, In Parenthesis W.

Adrian Weale, from Eye-Witness Hiroshima Soon after the discovery, in , of fission in uranium by the German scientists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman, the American government launched a massive research program at Los Alamos, New Mexico, with a view to developing an atomic bomb. As Tibbets steadied the plane for the final approach, a message was being cranked out from a local air defence centre: According to Tibbets: Major McKnight, Top Secret 's pilot, told the communication officer, who radioed back to the th: It's about to drop.

He watched through the nose as it began to fall away: As the bomb left, Tibbets needed to get the Enola Gay as far from the bomb as possible: Tibbets was astonished: Ferebee shouted: The sons of bitches are shooting at us! Caron saw the second shock wave: There's another one coming!

A Necessary Evil: The Story of the Enola Gay

Van Kirk thought the sensation was: Tibbets realized what was happening: Tibbets ordered Beser to start recording the crew's impressions of the blast, starting with Caron, the only one looking directly at the bomb when it exploded: Tibbets remembered: Watching, Lewis cried out: My God! Look at that son-of-a-bitch go! But in the log that he was keeping of the mission, he wrote: My God, what have we done? Norton and Company: Site Feedback: Top of page. David Jones, In Parenthesis. Thomas A. Sidney J. Radar observer. Leonard Cheshire. William Penney. Weather Reconnaissance over Nagasaki. Crew B-8 regularly assigned to Top Secret flew the plane.

Crew C Luke the Spook participated in training missions. Crew A-5 flew three combat missions. Thomas J. Rowe, Jr. William E. Bobby J. George A. Lee E. Ground crew: McLenon , Cpl. Roy K. Balliet , Cpl. Donald E. Piehl , Cpl. Calvin B. Popwell , and Pfc. Hinginio A. Clayton , Sgt. Robert L. McNamee , Sgt. John L. Willoughby , Cpl. Robert M. Haider , and Pfc. Rudolph H.

Crew B-9 flew five combat missions, including the Hiroshima bombing mission. Steve C. Lizak , Sgt. Leonard W. Markley , Cpl.

B-29 Enola Gay at the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum

Jean S. Cooper , Cpl. Winfield C. Kinkade , Pfc. John E. Jackson , Pfc. John J. Lesniewski , and Pfc. Harold R. Hammond , Sgt. Steve J.

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Kinosh, Jr. William B. Reedy , Cpl. Donald D. Fockler , and Pfc. Mario A. Charles J. Baker , Pfc.
