Pretoria gay dating rooms

Not fussy about race. If you have no propper profile picture, you need not bother. Be proud of who are are. Workout, to make out, that's what I am about hahaaha just joking, but it can be daring to the impulses at times and I am a sucker for love in the making hahaaha … Investing extensive time in an active and healthy lifestyle maintaining a calorie burning metabolism and that lean body mass hahaa " An extra hand in the kitchen perhaps hahaaha? Your sensitive, caring, supportive you, inspiring personal development, continuous growth in others, an extra hand in the kitchen perhaps, enjoying a healthy cooked meal, love breaking a swet working out.

The guy right next door to you? Drop by and s I've been to the OutGames and it's a fantastic event a Ideally, he's much like me. He's around my age or younger , not over- or under-weight and doesn't smoke Random stuff about me in a random order. So far I have done only five.

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Not a fan of sushi. Looking for friends from all over the world. Distance isn't a huge problem because of the internet and e-mail. Im keen to make some genuinely nice friends here on this site and hope to find many more who share my interests. So if you wanna chat or give me a comment, say hi.

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I promise I won't bite Don't really have a type, if the chemistry is right so be it. Well this is now been updated for the first time in many a year. Nothing much has changed, I grew up in sunny Johannesburg, SA. I love SA but want to tour to world a bit, but feel its time I spread my wings and look outside my comfort zone for new challenges.

I am a very relaxed guy, always like I love meeting new people, from all walks of life. I don't meet people with the intention to sleep with them, there is more to life then that.


I don't think there is a perfect person out there, as the saying goes, its not about finding the perfect person, its about finding the imperfect person an I'm a down to earth kind of a guy whos interested in making friends all over and i'm naughty when i get comfortable. I am a 20 year old white guy with blonde hair and blue eyes. I am currently living in Pretoria East. I am quite flexible so during the holidays any day or time will suit me I am a 3rd year student. I have an average body, but hopefully soon to I love the outdoors and try to do a lot of traveling. I enjoy being active and work at keeping in shape.

I find myself attracted to younger, well looked after and generally straight acting guys. An attractive, funny and intelligent guy. Curious about all of it and hoping to make friends that he can chat to and explore with and learn from. I'm an outgoing person. Love reading, Movies. Music and I reeaaallly love cute, well build guys. I'm self-motivated, a dreamer, a fun and loving human being. Get to know me more. I'm just looking for a great friend to talk to. Where it will take us, time will tell. I like to meet new people with the same interests, i am Afrikaans and English.

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