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Bring sweet emotions into your life. All couples need to treat each other with integrity and respect, he says. He recognizes that straight couples often fall short of this mark, and appreciates that gay couples are hoping for happiness and fulfillment through marriage. But he says that misses the point of the institution, which has a religious value beyond procreation.

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Heading into a hardware store in Crosslake, David Johnson says that same-sex marriage not only violates "the biblical definition of marriage," but may be part of a long line of societal trends such as divorce and out-of-wedlock births that have undermined family life. People have been arguing about gay marriage in Minnesota for a long time. After they were turned down, they filed suit. In its ruling against them the following year, the Minnesota Supreme Court said that the "institution of marriage as a union of man and woman The statutes the court upheld back then no longer stand.

Gay marriage is now part of Minnesota law.

Minnesota United player Collin Martin comes out publicly that he's gay

Most people accept that it's going to stay that way — even among those who are unhappy about it. Even in a part of the state where opposition to gay marriage runs strong, people express their tolerance for gays in general. Many Crow Wing residents, meanwhile, are happy that gays will now enjoy marriage equality with those who are straight, seeing value in the binding commitment between people who love one another. Others, while still clearly uncomfortable with homosexuality, say that gays getting married will have no real impact on their lives.

But some still remain concerned that gay marriage, now that it's come to the state, is a step in the wrong direction. Gene Ohman, a custom furniture builder camping along Cross Lake, says the "building blocks of our culture" are falling apart.
