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Native Americans - Gay and Lesbian Studies - LibGuides at New Mexico State University

Us Helping Us's 30th Anniversary Gala. Flip Cup Kickballers. Avalon Saturdays. While Hansberry has long been recognized as a significant figure in black history, less is known about her advocacy for lesbian and gay rights.

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Hansberry never publically shared her sexual orientation, but she is often described as a closeted lesbian by those who have studied her life and politics. Lesson Three: Pauli Murray: Fighting Jane and Jim Crow focuses on issues of justice. Murray was an accomplished lawyer and intellectual. This lesson explores the life, activism and ideas of a woman, African American and lesbian who fought discrimination in the areas of race, gender and sexuality.

Lesson Four: In , CDC added three awards to help health departments reduce HIV infections and improve engagement and retention in HIV medical care among gay and bisexual men of color. Training and Technical Assistance for THRIVE strengthens the capacity of funded health departments and their collaborative partners to plan, implement, and sustain through ongoing engagement, assessment, linkage, and retention comprehensive prevention, care, behavioral health, and social services models for gay and bisexual men of color at risk for and living with HIV infection.

Doing It encourages all adults to know their HIV status and protect themselves and their community by making HIV testing a part of their regular health routine.

Anti-gay American Family Association isn’t happy about Walmart’s “pro-homosexual” commercial

Start Talking. Stop HIV.

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  3. HIV and African American Gay and Bisexual Men | HIV by Group | HIV/AIDS | CDC.

Expand All Collapse All. Bibliography CDC.

Estimated incidence and prevalence in the United States HIV surveillance—Men who have sex with men slides. High-impact HIV prevention: MMWR ;66 MMWR ;67 Top of Page. File Formats Help: Page last reviewed:

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