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There was no audible reaction in U. The jury had reached a decision on the murder charge by Monday, but was still undecided as to the conspiracy charge and asked the judge for further instructions. Miller declined to read the partial verdict after asking jurors if additional instruction would help reach a verdict. The judge gave the jury more time to continue deliberating on the conspiracy charge in hopes of avoiding a deadlock.

Genre: Interracial Straight to Gay Erotica / Mexican Men with White Men Romance

Meza is scheduled to be sentenced Aug. Langston pleaded guilty to conspiracy to obstruct justice earlier this year and will be sentenced in June.

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The verdict came following seven days of deliberations by the person jury. Meza was also found guilty of conspiracy to obstruct justice.

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He faces up to life in prison. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. This is a HOT short little story to help you 'relax' in the afternoon. First off, I loved Roberto.


He is just insanely sexy in this story - and not just in his physical form which is, no doubt, hunky. He also has a wry, sarcastic sense of humor that really makes the story amusing. I like stories where I'm not just wasting time until the characters get together - I want the background to really build up the scene in my mind. Roberto's awesome personality really does that for me. For example, at one point Roberto answers people who say he is selling out by dressing up in costume and being a sex worker.

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  • He retorts," I'll tell you what's selling out. Working a job from nine to five or having a boss berate while you make minimum wage in a paper hat. We all wear costumes. Mine just has leather and feathers. It makes it so much more interesting to read about him finding his mark, the man to take on a first time experience. Oof, yes please! So if you want something more from your sexy stories, if you want characters that are unique and interesting, then this is the type of work for you!

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    This little story is both erotic and intelligently written. Roberto's insights about himself and his clients elevate this work to more than just an amusing read.

    There is something to learn about people here and you come away with that in addition to the brief titilation. The only flaw I find here is either due to a typo insidious little beasts or possibly one more writer who doesn't perceive the difference between the verb "dominate" and the adjective "dominant. Most enjoyable! One person found this helpful. Same thing. Kindle Edition. Others have said it and I'll back it up: Without getting into Roberto's head it would be a very straight har har forward sexy short. But getting into his head allows the reader to be invested in this story.

    His character is revealed without stopping the story to explain himself. The more you read, the more you learn. By the time the steamy parts start up you like Roberto and you want this story to go further and evolve. That's a sign of a good writer making you want more. Superbly written, great characters and amazing sex.

    Cannot recommend enough.

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    See all 4 reviews. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers. Learn more about Amazon Giveaway. This item: Interracial Gay Erotica. Set up a giveaway. There's a problem loading this menu right now. Learn more about Amazon Prime. Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime. Back to top. Get to Know Us.
