Gay escort website shit down

Male escorts: Ex-military earning a fortune | Rentboy website shut down

Earlier this month, the sex worker rights movement took a huge step forward when the human rights organization Amnesty International recommended that sex work be decriminalized , as current laws criminalizing prostitution put sex workers' lives at risk. Yet with the shuttering of Rentboy, many sex workers and gay rights activists are concerned that both movements are taking one step back. Furthermore, it doubles down on the existing stigmatization and marginalization of sex workers. Decriminalization alone will not prevent anti-gay bigotries from being enacted. In other words, there is still much work to be done to de-stigmatize both sex work and gay sex.

A Website for Gay Escorts Gets Busted by Homeland Security

Decriminalization would merely be a first step toward getting there. Through its strong presence in the gay community and its public campaigns against stigmatization, Rentboy was making strides in doing just that. Getty Images. Here's Why We Need to Care. Copy link.

By Nicolas DiDomizio. Email Follow. Recommended video.


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And there is zero chance that taking the site down will end gay prostitution. The majority of the public whose lives are unaffected by the gay prostitution scene will be no better off, despite footing the bill; and the small number of people whose lives are touched by the scene will mostly be worse off.

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At Reason , Scott Shackelford sympathizes with a hypothetical customer. Gay men and women!

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It is inaccurate—even heartless—to assume that all gay men are able to find a sexual companion through conventional means Maybe he looks on the street, creating a negative externality that comes with street prostitution. We want to hear what you think about this article.

Submit a letter to the editor or write to letters theatlantic. Conor Friedersdorf is a California-based staff writer at The Atlantic, where he focuses on politics and national affairs.
