Why are gay people gay

They have a higher risk of mental health problems, substance use and smoking. Sexual minorities live, on average, shorter lives than heterosexuals, and L. Some of these disparities have interpersonal roots: But often they stem from an explicit denial of rights: Discrimination in any form can have serious health consequences: Sexual minorities living in communities with high levels of prejudice die more than a decade earlier than those in less prejudiced communities.

But civil rights advances and growing public acceptance of L. And evidence increasingly suggests this shift has measurably improved health care access and health outcomes for L.

The halting, patchwork nature of L. Since Vermont became the first state to formally recognize same-sex partnerships in , many other states either legalized same-sex marriage, or conversely, passed constitutional amendments banning it — until the landmark Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v.

Panel Discussion - Born that way: Is there a gay gene and should it matter?

Think you might be gay? Find out what being gay, or same-sex attracted, means. Learn more about why some people are gay. Yes, absolutely.

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Lots of people identify themselves as same-sex attracted — in fact, about one in ten. Some even remember having crushes on friends of their own sex when they were little. Often it takes a while to begin thinking of yourself as gay, lesbian or bisexual, or another sexual identity.

Is there a gay gene? - Tomorrow's World - BBC

Science News Online, March 12, X chromosome again linked to homosexuality. Genetic clue to male homosexuality emerges. Vol , July 7, , p. Get Science News headlines by e-mail. View the discussion thread. Skip to main content. Scientists to Watch See More. Current Issue. All News.

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How Older Brothers Influence Homosexuality

News in Brief. A new graphene foam stays squishy at the coldest temperatures. April 12, Why some low-income neighborhoods are better than others. Black hole image validates imagining the unimaginable. April 11, Society Update.

What it means to be gay in rural India - BBC News

The Science Life. Meet one of the first scientists to see the historic black hole image. Ketamine cultivates new nerve cell connections in mice. Climate change made the Arctic greener. Now parts of it are turning brown.

All about being gay

A new hominid species has been found in a Philippine cave, fossils suggest. April 10, The latest stories from Science News for Students. How scientists took the first picture of a black hole. All you need to know about the history of black holes. The first picture of a black hole opens a new era of astrophysics. Chickens stand sentinel against mosquito-borne disease in Florida. April 09, Our brains sculpt each other. So why do we study them in isolation?

A common food additive may make the flu vaccine less effective. April 08, How deadly, fast-moving flows of volcanic rock and gas cheat friction.

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