Oc gay dating

Just make sure to leave time for Heritage House, a stunning restored villa that sits at the heart of the gardens and dates back to You'll want pictures on the wrap-around porch, we promise! Dating a history buff? Then visit San Juan Capistrano. While the Mission is probably the most famous part of this city, there is a lot more to explore, like Los Rios - the oldest residential neighborhood in California, and home to historic buildings like El Adobe de Capistrano, a restaurant that started life as a private home in Round off your date by listening to When the Swallows Come Back to Capistrano, a longing, s love song inspired by the romantic legend of the Capistrano cliff swallows.

Want to explore more of SoCal? Try our San Diego date ideas. Once upon a time, taking your date to the movies was a recipe for a night of elegance. Recapture that feeling by ignoring the typical shopping mall movie date in favor of a night at the Lido Theatre , a restored art-deco gem on Balboa Peninsula that is a slice of pastel-pink, s perfection.

Possibly the quirkiest place in OC to watch a movie, this is the kind of theatre that still offers balcony seating, and which opens each screening by lifting a thick, red velvet curtain. A date night here can feel like being swept back in time - it's truly romantic.

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Since , The Hobbit has been one of the more unique romantic restaurants in Orange County, thanks to their seven course prix-fixe menu that is more of an immersive experience than a meal. Presented in three distinct acts, your night out at The Hobbit will see you moving through a beautiful old house as you sample the incredible French food. Start with champagne and hors d'oeuvres in the wine cellar, take a break between acts to relax on the patio, and end your night starry-eyed and satiated with good food, good wine, and romance.

Ready to try one of our great Orange County date ideas? Find your favorite on our map below - and happy dating! Sophie Watson is an editor for EliteSingles. She loves books, travelling, and discovering new date ideas. If you've got a dating tip to share, you can follow her on Twitter. Member login. Relationship advice. Sophie Watson, Orange County is full of great date ideas and, after extensive testing, EliteSingles is proud to report that we've discovered the best of the best.

From gorgeous beaches to romantic restaurants, from beautiful gardens to rooftop bars, OC dating has something for all tastes - and these are some of our favorites.


Find your next great Orange County date idea right here! See some SoCal Redwoods - yes, really!

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Find your favorite romantic beach in OC. Laguna Beach: Main Beach in Laguna is a gorgeous place to stroll with a date. Time it right and you can even climb out over the rocks to check out the tidepools. Make sure to catch the eye of a tidepool volunteer: Huntington City Beach: One of the best surf beaches in OC, date ideas here have to involve strolling along the pier, checking out the surfers below.

Pro tip: Corona Del Mar State Beach: Picture yourself sitting in front a beach bonfire, curling up to your date as the sun sets over Catalina and the Pacific Ocean. Sound romantic? Then make sure take your date to Corona Del Mar State Beach, and claim a spot by one of the available fire rings. Victoria Beach: Victoria Beach is one of OC's best places for a romantic beach date, thanks in large part to a surprise waiting for those who walk around the rocks: Built in the s, it's more like the home of a princess or pirate than something you'd find in suburban CA - and discovering it together is great date material.

San Clemente State Beach: If you and your date love classic beach date activities like sunbathing and swimming, this beach is a solid bet. With its clean, sparkling waters and clear sands, it's a wonderful place to just relax together. Go whale watching at Dana Point Dana Point Wharf The warm ish waters off of the SoCal coastline are a treasure trove of sea life - and you don't have to have your diving license to find them!

Lola Gaspar Santa Ana. The ambience at Lola Gaspar is just the kind of thing you want for a date night; from the romantic chandelier-lit interior to the cozy heated patio, it feels like the kind of place where special moments happen. Add in unique cocktails and delicious tapas and you might just have Santa Ana's best date spot. Wine lovers need to make a date for SeaLegs , stat. One of her most profound connections, the friendship is a central element on the show for three seasons.

The show significantly focuses on Marissa's on-and-off again relationship with Ryan Atwood. Viewers of the series have debated Marissa's sexuality. When she hooked up with bad girl Alex Kelly , the two entering into a romantic relationship, her heterosexual identity became the source of speculation. Fans questioned whether Marissa was bisexual or just bi-curious. The question became one of the top queries that viewers wanted The O. Others cited Marissa's relationship with Alex as a cynical sweeps attempt, noting the timing at which Marissa "just happened" to be romantically attracted to a woman.

Critic L. Brent Bozell III especially elaborated on this. Schwartz insisted that the relationship between Marissa and Alex was not a rating stunt and that Marissa developed real feelings for Alex. Marissa's sexual orientation, other than her known heterosexual identity, was never confirmed by the series, and was reported to be "Marissa just experimenting with the fairer sex and not committing to a full-on romantic, sapphic relationship.

Schwartz said that the network was "nervous" about the storyline and wanted it "wrapped up as fast as humanly possible and Alex moving on out of the OC. The decision to kill Barton's character came from the producers.

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Marissa's father is caught committing fraud and eventually files for bankruptcy. The first episode sees sparks from between Marissa and Ryan Atwood. Luke Ward , Marissa's long-term boyfriend, shows animosity towards Ryan from the moment he steps foot into Orange County. Soon after, on vacation in Tijuana with Ryan, Seth Cohen and best friend Summer Roberts , Marissa discovers that her parents are separating.

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In the aftermath, she catches Luke cheating on her with one of her best friends, Holly Fischer. Marissa then separates from her friends and overdoses on painkillers. Ryan finds her unconscious in an alleyway in Tijuana and summons help just in time. After this, Marissa battles with her mother, who wants to send her to rehab. She eventually gets through to Julie but has to agree to see a therapist in Newport Beach after she is caught shoplifting. She meets Oliver Trask during her first session, and they soon become good friends, much to Ryan's displeasure.

Throughout the first season, Marissa is involved in an on-again, off-again relationship with Ryan, with the relationship jeopardized by Luke and Oliver. Oliver is initially discovered by Ryan to be mentally unstable and harboring an unhealthy obsession for Marissa. Ryan and Marissa break up because of his interference. Oliver is arrested after he keeps Marissa as a hostage and threatens to kill himself if she does not leave Ryan for good.

After Oliver's arrest, Marissa attempts reuniting with Ryan, he refuses and they remain friends. During this time, her mother is romantically involved with Kirsten Cohen 's father, Caleb Nichol. During a brief breakup with Caleb, Marissa's mother has a fling with Luke, which causes Marissa to run away to Chino, California , to Ryan's ex-girlfriend Theresa Diaz 's house.

This leads to Ryan and Marissa again becoming romantically involved. Marissa uses the affair between Julie and Luke as blackmail to get out of counseling or living with her mother because Julie does not want anyone to find out. Marissa and Ryan's relationship is strained once more when Theresa comes to Newport Beach towards the end of the season after suffering domestic abuse from her boyfriend Eddie. Theresa reveals to Marissa that she is pregnant and does not know whether the baby's father is Ryan or Eddie.

In the season finale, Ryan leaves Marissa to move back to Chino and help Theresa raise the baby. Marissa moves into Caleb Nichol's home after he and her mother marry in the season finale.

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Marissa's grief over Ryan's departure makes her turn back to alcohol. During the second season, Marissa struggles with alcohol and depression , caused largely by Ryan's departure from her life. When Ryan returns, it looks as though they may have rekindled their relationship, but after finding out about her relationship with D. Marissa's relationships in the interim period seem somewhat specifically chosen to take stabs at her mother—first with D. Her relationship with her parents sinks to an all-time low when she discovers that they were back together again.

At Jimmy's farewell party, she confronts her parents in public and loudly calls Julie a whore and herself "the daughter of a thief and a slut. Towards the end of the season, Marissa gets back together with Ryan and becomes friends with his brother, Trey, who was recently let out of jail. After Trey takes cocaine , he tries to rape Marissa. Marissa does not want to tell Ryan because she did not want him to worry, and Trey does not want her to tell him because he and Ryan were getting along again.

Marissa breaks down and tells Summer, who tells Seth. Seth was initially reluctant to tell his foster brother, knowing Ryan's volatile temperament and tendency to physically lash out when it came to people he cared about. When Ryan finds out, he and Trey get into an extremely violent fist fight at Trey's apartment.

The scene ends with Marissa shooting Trey in order to save Ryan, who was pinned on the floor. As the series' third season opens, Marissa is under investigation regarding the shooting of Trey Atwood , who is in a coma as a result of the wound. When he awakens, Julie threatens to smother Trey if he does not tell the authority that Ryan shot him, in order to keep Marissa out of trouble. Marissa finds out and convinces Trey to tell the truth. Ryan is let free, and Marissa faces no legal liability as she was defending another person's life using proportional force in the circumstances. Despite a lack of legal repercussions, the event results in Marissa's expulsion from the prestigious Harbor School, as it is cited along with her past of flagrant shoplifting and substance abuse.

Following her expulsion, she attends the local public school Newport Union and has difficulty fitting in.

The best Orange County date ideas: 12 romantic things to do in OC

She befriends one of her schoolmates, a local surfer named Johnny Harper. Johnny causes rifts in her relationship with Ryan, who ironically befriends Johnny due to their similar backgrounds, initially because Marissa feels she cannot talk to Ryan about what happened with Trey and later because Johnny falls in love with her.

Marissa confirms her commitment to Ryan and writes Johnny a letter saying that while he is her friend and she cares for him, she will never love him. This results in Johnny falling to his death from a cliff after a drinking binge, and the tragedy causes Ryan and Marissa's final breakup. In the wake of Johnny's death, Marissa struggles to find closure, as well as her own place and purpose in Newport Beach. She develops a relationship with Kevin Volchok after she and Ryan break up, which causes her to go back to her rebellious ways.
