Top gay names

Totally different from Brian. A gritty, unapologetic bad boy, but just likes to lie there during sex. Always pings you the second you log on to Scruff. Picky eater, but drinks like a fish. Goes MIA the day after a big party or a crazy night out. Quiet and reserved so, naturally, is carnival freak crazy kinky in the sack.

Shames you for not knowing enough about gay culture of yore. Liza who? Made a big statement by going from Mike to Michael when he came out.

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Incidentally, so did every other Mike. Constantly announces his short-lived Facebook breaks. Bye, Paul, see you next week.

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His parents threw a party when he came out. Shares with them the most graphic of details from his dating life. Has a thick southern accent even though he went to Bowdoin and Harvard Law School.


On every single gay sports team. Always rocking a bandage or cast as a result. His lesbian friends are for more interesting and funnier than he is. Note to self: Crazy eyes. They were alluring at first, but you learned your lesson the hard way. Seems like the whole package. Makes you doubt yourself for being so cynical and distrusting. Fuck you, Kevin. You up? You out? Not interested if you practice safe sex.

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Enjoys repartee. Terrible in bed. Clean-cut and natty, but dirty AF in the bedroom. Always goes home with the first boy at the bar who hits on him. His real name is Al, but he wants everyone to call him Chase. Lisped before exiting the womb. Always looking to marry his mother in a man. Yep, still single.

Top 30 Gay Names

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The 100 Sexiest Male Names Ranked By Sexiness

Share On whatsapp Share On whatsapp. Share On more Share On more More. Share On tumblr Share On tumblr. Share On link Share On link. Kicking off vaguely sexier names we have Chad. Chads work in finance and are dicks. Brad used to be a sexy name, but it's on its way out fast. Coming in at 53 we've got Adrian, which is definitely a sexy name.

82 Generic Gay Guy Names And What It Says About His Personality | Thought Catalog

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