Chiang mai gay dating

Chiang Mai has three male go-go bars, all of which have been established for many years and are located close to each other in the Chang Puek district. Massage for men by men, or male gay massage is a popular form of relaxation in Chiang Mai. Check out our comprehensive guide to gay massage in Chiang Mai or read some of the news articles and reviews about massage on Chiang Mai Gay News — Gay Massage.

As well as the descriptions provided in our Gay Guide we provide an interactive Chiang Mai Gay Map courtesy of Google Maps showing the locations of all the gay venues and many more gay friendly restaurants, coffee shops and other amenities as well. Please follow the site navigation tabs to find out more about Gay Chiang Mai. Thank you for visiting, we hope the information is useful.

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Exciting News: Pride finally returns to Chiang Mai on 21 February The tenth anniversary of the LGBT pride event in that had to be aborted due to homophobic protests and threats of violence. Ten years ago, the gay and ex-pat communities in Chiang Mai were in shock with the news that well liked ex-pat musician David Crisp had been brutally murdered by bar boy acquaintances he had brought home with him.

Gay dating in Chiangmai

Today we remember David and this shocking event. Our backroom gurus have been busy making a few changes to our website. Online friendships extend into the real world too. Sure, there are places where gay Thais congregate in groups to eat drink and socialise in Chiang Mai, though they are not what westerners would call gay establishments.

The popularity of such places is very changeable. One week, this or that restaurant is the gay place to go, and next week another place opens and becomes the next trendy venue of choice. The late night scene in Chiang Mai was always an attraction for gay Thais.

But, this has been curtailed during the last few years with stricter enforcement of closing times. Prior to the crackdown two big gay clubs emerged and at weekends were packed until dawn, sadly G-star and https: For many foreigners Chiang Mai has become the perfect gay lifestyle paradise; a gay friendly and tolerant city though the perception of tolerance by foreigners is perhaps different to that experienced by Thais.

An almost separate gay scene has grown up to cater for foreigners; both tourists and ex-pats.

Gay Travel: Chiang Mai, Thailand - Exploring Chiang Mai and Songkran

This social scene revolves around a selection of gay bars or restaurants where gay foreigners meet up to socialise. The nightlife in Chiang Mai has changed significantly in recent years with many new modern bars and restaurants opening, especially around the Nimmanhaeminda area of town.

Increasingly, gay farangs are going out in non gay venues and traditional gay bars are not the only game in town anymore.

The Chiang Mai Gay scene

Thailand is well known for its commercial sex workers, both male and female. For years this has been a major lure for many visitors. The aim of this website is to provide useful information about all aspects of gay life in Chiang Mai, so that our readers can make informed choices about where they go and what they do here. This does not imply we condone the sex industry; equally we seek not to pass judgement on those involved in it.

Chiang Mai Gay Personals

The commercial gay sex scene in Chiang Mai is smaller than cities like Bangkok or Pattaya. With their own ethnic identity, different culture, and perhaps more masculine features they are different from boys in, for example Pattaya, whom are more likely from Isaan, Cambodia or Laos. The main tourist areas are around Thapae Gate and the Night Bazaar, which are packed with hotels, guesthouses, bars and restaurants catering for tourists.

In the last two years, the night bazaar area, traditional home of the Chiang Mai gay scene, has reestablished itself with several bars now located along Gay Soi 6 Soi 6 Charoen Prathet Rd making this an attractive part of town for visitors. In contrast, the Chang Puek and Santitham areas, once home to many bars, have declined in popularity with less venues here now.

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