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Accounts are verified and linked to people's Facebook profiles, so you're less likely to find fake profiles and trolls. Users have to be incredibly selective about their words and corny jokes. It can sometimes take several message before you realize the person you're speaking with is way too into Harry Potter. Check it out here. Best gay app that hetero folks also use. Tinder Free version: Yes Tinder Plus: More than 50 million people use Tinder monthly, and not all of them are straight dudes hiking mountains.

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Queer and trans folks head to Tinder because its dating pool is colossal. The app worked with GLAAD, the cast of Transparent , and trans activists to make sure it met the diverse needs of the trans community. The users contended that they were removed from the site after male trolls submitted multiple false complaint reports.

Despite all of this, Tinder has made notable efforts to be more trans and queer inclusive over the years by offering an above average number of gender options. That's more than most apps its size, which typically offer a grand total of Tinder is free to download. More than 50 million people use Tinder , and chances are you're going to see someone who you work with on the app.

Because of its popularity, Tinder is the app people love to hate.


This doesn't mean the haters don't have a point, but in general, the quality of people you find on Tinder is no better or worse than you'll find anywhere else. Have faith! Best for men looking for a relationships. Chappy Free version: Yes See Details. Chappy is the latest app to cater to the relationship-seeking crowd among gay men. In , Chappy was introduced in three major cities: Los Angeles, London, and New York. Chappy brands itself as an app that caters to three demographics — people who are looking for long term relationships "Mr.

Right" , those who are looking something more casual "Mr. Right Now" and those who don't know what they want "Mr. Who Knows". It's unclear whether Chappy will produce longer and more satisfying relationships for me than traditional apps like Grindr. If nothing else, the app at least gives people the illusion that such a partnership is in their future.

The conversation got around to sex and I told him what all I did, which wasn't much, and he told me some stuff.

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The cabin we were in was the other guy's brother's place. He had a reputation on campus as a real sex hound. So we started to look around so see if there were any porno tapes or magazines. We found a shoebox in the kitchen and it had a bunch of tapes inside but they didn't have labels. So we just popped one in to see what it was. The first tape was straight sex.

It was ok but we fast forwarded it to the end. Tape 2 was a bunch of chicks having sex, so we watched that one! Both of us were throwing boners while we finished our beers. The next tape was a home-made looking one and it was a guy about our age who we had seen around campus. He was on a bed jacking. We made fun of his little dick and fast forwarded through his solo. Then we saw the same guy naked on his stomach on his bed with his hands tied behind his back.

We stopped the FF and let it play. We were joking that maybe a bunch of dykes would come in and spank him or something. By this time we had gotten comfortable and were both in boxers and t-shirts. This guy on the screen was just laying there and then another guy comes in and it was a younger looking dude.

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He took off his shirt and sat on the bed. We both looked at each other and kinda went "uh oh" and I got up to take the tape out. Chad said to hold on and that if it was a gay tape he'd never seen anything like that and we ought to watch it for a laugh. I sat back on the couch and we continued to watch.

The guy on the bed was laying there and the guy that walked in leaned over and rolled him onto his back and started to jack him off.

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His dick got really big and the younger guy stood up and got undressed. The younger guy was stroking himself and jacking off the tied up dude.

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  • I was getting hard and I couldn't hide my boner. So I looked at Chad and the fucker had his dick out! Chad just grinned at me and said that maybe he ought to tie me up like the guy in the video! I laughed my ass off and said that the only reason why he said that was because he was drunk! Before I knew it Chad leaped over and tacked me and we rolled on the floor. We were both laughing and then he pinned my hands and said that he was serious!

    I got really hard so that my boner poked right through the slit in my boxers. Chad got up and took off his t-shirt and used it to tie my hands behind my back. I didn't resist.

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    He pulled down my boxers and my cock slapped against my stomach. My heart was racing so fast. I couldn't even talk. He started to jack me and he was jacking off himself.

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    I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the rush. After a while, I felt by balls swell and I knew I was going to cum so I let it fly! I shot all over Chad's hand and myself and then I just fell back. He untied me and wiped up all the jizz with his t-shirt. It's funny but I was just so relaxed. Chad then got on his knees and jacked off onto his cum stained t-shirt while I watched. I was just over it at this point — told him I was sorry but I needed to go, and bailed quickly. I felt bad ditching the guy. He seemed nice enough, but I had my moment of experimentation and realized it wasn't what I was into.

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    I was single and 23 at the time and selfishly thought, 'Welp, somebody thinks you're funny and attractive, you'd totally do Chris Hemsworth, why not give it a go? I distanced myself without officially breaking up, and I never heard from him again. They told us that we have to first if we want them to, so being close bros and all, we started to make out.
