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College Health Plans Respond as Transgender Students Gain Visibility

We have been experiencing some problems with subscriber log-ins and apologise for the inconvenience caused. Until we resolve the issues, subscribers need not log in to access ST Digital articles. But a log-in is still required for our PDFs. Skip to main content. Mayang Prasetyo was the sole breadwinner of her family in Lampung, Indonesia, and sent money home to support the family, including putting her two sisters, aged 18 and 15, through school.

It had been nine months since he started testosterone, and the effects had become particularly noticeable over the three-month summer break. His jaw line had begun to square, his limbs to thicken and the hair on his arms and legs to darken. And of course now his chest was a flat wall.

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He asked his friends to call him Beckett, which is similar to his female birth name, which he asked me not to mention. His parents live only 14 miles away and dropped by for short visits. He left his girl nameplate on his dorm door. His friends understood that whenever his parents arrived, everyone was to revert to his female name and its attendant pronouns. He was an R. Given how guarded he had to be, being Beckett was exhausting and anxiety-inducing.

Demoralized, he eventually told his pals to just use his birth name. The summer after his sophomore year, he got an internship at a Boston health center serving the L.

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Their confidence gave him confidence. The coordinator apologized and explained that all the names on her paperwork from Wellesley were female. Eli mustered the courage to tell his parents. It took a little while for his mother to accept that her only daughter was actually a son, but she came around. When I asked Eli if trans men belonged at Wellesley, he said he felt torn. I realize that may be a little selfish. It may be a lot selfish. At trans men? At transmasculine students? What about students who are simply questioning their gender?

Other trans students have struggled with these questions, too. I do not think that trans men belong at Wellesley. The reactions were swift and strong. Students and alums — queer and straight, trans and not — weighed in, sometimes in agreement but other times in anger. Some accused the blogger of speaking on behalf of women as if they were unable to speak for themselves. Others accused him of betraying transmasculine students.

He declined to comment for this article. In some ways, students are already having that conversation, though perhaps indirectly. Timothy ended up easily winning his seat on the student government last spring, capturing two-thirds of the votes.

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Given that 85 percent of the student body cast ballots in that race, his victory suggests most students think that transmasculine students — and transmasculine leaders — belong at Wellesley. Another difficult conversation about trans students touches on the disproportionate attention they receive on campus. The trans men are always getting this extra bit of acknowledgment. People were clamoring to date me. Trans bodies are seen as an in-between option, Timothy said. Kaden Mohamed said he felt downright objectified when he returned from summer break last year, after five months of testosterone had lowered his voice, defined his arm muscles and reshaped his torso.

It was attention that he had never experienced before he transitioned. Once at the school pub, an intoxicated Wellesley woman even grabbed his crotch and that of another trans man.

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Admissions policies at private undergraduate schools are exempt from Title IX, which bans gender discrimination at schools receiving federal funds. Two years ago, Calliope Wong, a high-school trans woman from Connecticut, applied to Smith College, but her application was returned because her federal aid form indicated she was male. She posted the rejection letter online, catalyzing a storm on the Internet and student rallies at Smith. Smith eventually agreed to require that the applicant be referred to as female only in the transcript and recommendation letters, but not on financial-aid documents; by then, however, Wong had decided to attend the University of Connecticut.

For its part, Wellesley has never admitted a trans woman, at least not knowingly. Many Wellesley students, including some who are uncomfortable having trans men on campus, say that academically eligible trans women should be admitted, regardless of the gender on their application documents. What if someone who is male-bodied comes here genuinely identified as female, and then decides after a year or two that they identify as male — and wants to stay at Wellesley?

We get what life has been like for women. In the auditorium, there was an audible gasp. The answer is: Last month, Mount Holyoke College announced a more far-reaching policy: It would admit all academically qualified students regardless of their anatomy or self-proclaimed gender, except for those biologically male at birth who still identify as male. It is a rhetorical device. Our mission was built upon education for women, and while we recognize that not everyone identifies this way, this is who we are and how we talk about things.

Meanwhile, Wellesley continues to struggle with its own identity.

Kim Bottomly and Jennifer C. Desjarlais, the dean of admissions, declined to talk to me. Other girls here said he had started to become violent. He was asked to leave here and the reason, I believe, was because he brought a gun in,' Mr Gneil said. Marcus was also definitely a drug user. He was on ice, we just don't tolerate it here,' Mr Gneil added. Volke also worked under the name of Heath and advertised on online escorting sites.

Ms Prasetyo has been described as a 'divine, beautiful, gentle' person by her former employer. Mr Gneil employed Ms Prasetyo, originally from Indonesia, for about five years at the Melbourne brothel. She met Volke at the establishment and he worked there for around two and a half years before they both left to work privately in When you don't see anyone for a while in this industry you just assume they've gone overseas, so it was horrific to think what Mayang went through. He last spoke to Ms Prasetyo on Facebook two months ago and said 'she seemed absolutely fine'.

It's unfortunate when they [transsexuals] go and work illegally, they call it privately, they become removed from friends and it's a downward spiral,' he added. Mr Gneil laughed off claims that the couple met on a cruise ship and said they met at the brothel, even though he didn't know they were dating at the time. The mother of Ms Prasetyo says she has forgiven Volke for the murder of her daughter. Mayang Prasetyo was found dismembered in a Brisbane apartment she shared with her husband on Saturday. Ms Prasetyo finished working at the brothel the day after Volke left.

Ms Prasetyo's mother on Thursday revealed she forgives her daughter's killer after it was revealed Volke was a male prostitute and covered up his secret life by telling close friends and family he was a chef. Speaking through an interpreter, Nining Sukarni - the mother of Ms Prasetyo - said on Wednesday she had already forgiven her son-in-law.

I have no demands whatsoever or revengeful feeling. Ms Sukarni said she had met Volke when the couple came to visit her at her Lampung home in rural Indonesia in We have already considered him as part of the family.

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I love him,' she said. Ms Sukarni described Ms Prasetyo - who her mother refers to as Febri Andriansyah - as 'cheerful, friendly and loud' and a 'good son'. She said when they came to visit in August last year Volke had cooked with Ms Prasetyo and the visit passed without incident. In our eyes he was kind.
