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Why has America chosen a Military-Base establishment in another country to protect its interest? Politically, socially and economically what do we stand to gain as Ghanaians by permitting America or any other country to put military structures and personnel on our Home Land?

Are there not other less frightening and less suspicious means by which America can safeguard its interest abroad? Modern civilization has offered numerous options by which we can all protect our interests. America's desire to establish a Military Base in Ghana to protect its interest in Ghana and elsewhere in Africa is unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.

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We all have interests to protect all over the world. What would the scene be like if we have all chosen to build Military Bases on our various interest posts? If this kind of adventure is strategically advantageous and can benefit many countries of similar interest then, I will encourage America to invite countries like Russia, North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan, Vietnam and Iraq to put Military Bases in that continent so that they can also protect and safeguard their interest in and around that continent.

Do we have the military power and the technology to match America if it decides one day to label Ghanaians and their government as terrorist and hence starts its military adventurism on our land and on our people? Hypocrisy is said to be the practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or moral values that one does not hold or possess.

This has been the practice and philosophy of America governments. As we go about our businesses as a nation we must permit History, Experiences and Observations to be our guiding principles. Over the years America is known to have used its Security Council Veto many times to prevent any resolutions that sought to condemn Israel for its abusive and hostile actions or that were inimical to Israeli interest from passing.

It also voted against many other issues overwhelmingly supported by the rest of the world in the UN General Assembly. In September America and France cosponsored UN Resolution that called on Syria to withdraw its military forces from Lebanon and stop intervening in Lebanese political process. This was a deliberate tactics to give Israeli Army the upper hand to attack Lebanon in the name of fighting terrorist.

We all saw what happened as result, massive loss of human lives, destruction of infrastructure and setbacks to Lebanese political process.

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Even if President Barack Obama succeeded in transforming American foreign policies and America has become global angel, Ghana can still not afford to allow America or any other country to build Military Base in our territory. We should not allow huge financial assistance and other forms of aids to lure us as a nation into any dangerous position which might be impossible to reverse later.

With its political, economical, technological and military powers has the US created more conflicts or resolved more? As a country let us resist the temptation of accepting these kinds of proposals from these well-to-do countries. Our sovereignty and security are paramount and nothing should be allowed to stand against it. God Bless Ghana. I had read a previous posting of a woman from Portland Or who had been scammed by a German man in Accra stating he was an International Contractor. I had the same thing happen to me. He stated he was Swedish, which explained his poor grammer and he did have a very thick accent making it difficult to understand him at times.

He also had a personal assistant named Lambert Simone. Divorced, father of 1 son who lives in the states with his ex wife. After 2 months of emailing, chatting, and talking on the phone. He needed money to purchase a ticket to return to the states so we could meet and so he could see his son. I was so convinced that he was genuine. He was truly interested in my life and it felt as we were building a true relationship. He did confess his love freely and often.

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I wired money to assist with the purchase of his airline ticket to No 5 South East Loop, Ridge Accra, Ghana to the attention of his assistant. Once I had wired the funds we had made arrangements for me to pick him up at the airport today, 2 hours from my home. He never showed up and his phone has been turned off. I am sure his name is not who he truly is..

Needless to say I am no longer going onto on-line dating sites, and definitely will be dating men that I can actually meet in person and go from there. I would advise everyone never to come to Ghana to meet someone you have met on the internet. If you feel you really have to come, then tell the person you will be coming to meet some friends there and will try to see them while you are there.

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Never tell them which day, time or flight you will be arriving on. As you can see from this story you need to give the address at which you will be staying when you arrive. I really hope you do not agree to stay with the internet friend who you have never met! Be smart and look up a hotel or guesthouse online and stay there.

dating scams - Ghana Forum

And get their address for immigration too. If you are straight, you might like to know a 58 year old German woman was kidnapped at the airport as she arrived to meet her Ghanaian online boyfriend. If you are gay and tell your internet boyfriend when you are coming you might find him waiting for you with the police or worse homosexuality is illegal here. Sorry to say but there are dishonest immigration and police. Whether there are dishonest investigators I cannot comment! I was prusued by a Ghania through a dating site.

First he was a white 50 yr old.

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