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Top San Francisco Gay Dating Site

Creating a private club atmosphere while recognizing our clients are also our product - we reward lovely daters with discounts and complimentary events and refuse service to anyone we don't think you'll fancy meeting. This is where being lovely has it's perks! SpeedSF GayDate. Add to Calendar. View Map View Map. Find out more about how your privacy is protected. Aug Sales Ended. Event description. Description A low key, sophisticated approach to gay dating in San Francisco. Read more Read less.

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Date and Time Wed, August 29, 8: Map and Directions View Map. Event Ended. View Details. Events you might like: Bi Boys' Happy Hour Participants. Oakland Square Dancing Meetup. Oakland Square Dancing Meetup Dancers. Lesbians in Their 20's and Early 30's. Lesbians in Their 20's and Early 30's 1, Lovely Ladies. Lezbefriends Bay Area s.

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Lezbefriends Bay Area s Members. Accepting Oneself and Being Seen. Accepting Oneself and Being Seen 41 Members. East Bay lesbian friendly activity group over East Bay lesbian friendly activity group over 40 2, Lesbian Friends. SF Dykes with Dogs. SF Dykes with Dogs Members. Vegans and Vegetarians 20s and 30s. Vegans and Vegetarians 20s and 30s Members.

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Better Relationships Group. Fort Funston is beautiful if you have a dog. Off leash and all different shapes and sizes. Sweeping, dramatic views of the ocean, beach access, wooded trails, dunes, and the sweetest people on Earth. I disagree with the above comment about attitude. The friends I hang with are healthy, natural, unpretentious, Democrats, and happy to live here. The summers are cool, the winters are cooler, so if heat is your thing that may get to you.


Everywhere we go, grocery store, vets, restaurants, mechanics, dry cleaners, people are so nice. Our neighbors are so sweet. The dry cleaners we use will do peoples suits for free if you have a pending job interview and are hunting for employment. I love San Francisco. To me, the absolutely worst and possibly, only bad thing about San Francisco is its price.

And visiting there is fast becoming a save-for-five-years sort of proposition. Add that to standing in 30 person lines for coffee or ice cream? That would be, like, worst reason number 1. How can all these supposed oodles and oodles of gay men afford to live there? Hell, you have to have a 6 figure salary just to be able to rent a halfway crappy apartment. Do they all have trust funds? Or all they all tourists? Before I finally wised up and moved miles south to the much maligned Southern California, I worked with a great guy from Dublin, Ireland.

He was living in a garage near Dolores Park with 5 of his countrymen who immigrated to San Francisco for a better life. San Francisco saw increased cases of sexually transmitted diseases for the eighth consecutive year in I still miss that city though. It is beautiful. I do remember meeting lots of international travelers during the Spring and Summer.

I felt more like I was living in a resort. I was young and had a hot body so I had a field day. The micro climates are kind of fun.

Gay Singles groups in San Francisco

The fog comes in creeping down the street. SF is allot smaller then most people think. SF is no longer the Gay Mecca it once was, but where else can we go? Surround yourself with good people and you wont have flakes. Too many options? Go be bored. Good luck finding a quiet place? Walk outside of the fucking Castro, tool. We have tons of beautiful places here.

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This article is sad. Good to know. True on all counts, except for the hot bodies part. Gay dudes in SF do run the gamut, but there are a great many young, bearded hipster types. Not nearly as many waxed, plucked and buffed types. Now, facebook buses driving workers through neighborhoods to peek at neighborhoods behind the glass.

Most urban gay scenes have the minstrel show quality, SF takes it to the max. Desert Boy: White Boy your days of American colonialism are going to be soon over. New Delhi, India is an upcoming city and such derogatory comments just show your settler mentality.

For all the myth of the fun loving city you have made yourself you people do have a very nasty closed minded and prejudiced mind. No wonder you were always in the news for your bigoted bars against Asians in the 80s and black in the 90s. I am the proud mother of a gay son, and I am glad that we both live here in San Francisco. It is absolutely the best place in the world for gay people. All my gay friends have expressed happiness at living here. As for the expense of living here, if you are lucky enough to live in an old building, you may be protected by rent control.

San Francisco is a wonderful place to live, gay or straight, and I love, love, love it! You might benefit greatly from psycho therapy. It is high time they introduce it for western boys like u. The second sentence in my post reads as such: When I first came here on vacation in , I remember the gay men here as being friendly without a lot of nonsensical attitude, very unlike West Hollywood, where I was living and working. I was single at the time and was going through my personal transformation, both emotionally and physically.

When I came out in June , I was very much overweight and remember being treated very rudely by the gays in West Hollywood. I decided then and there to make some drastic changes. I started going to a gym and dieting. The weight came off in spurts, it never comes off quickly, does it?

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The fact that the cost of living here is going through the roof is a sad state of affairs.
