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We found Google Maps to be the most accurate and user friendly of all the map based app. Google Maps has been one huge life saver for us during our travels in Asia, especially when travelling in India when tuk tuk drivers frequently tried to take us to the wrong destination so they could get a commission. They also have a very user friendly app. We also like the way the search results show you the cheapest prices for each month and then each day. This allows you to select the most cost effective flight around your schedule. This is where we save copies of important documents like our travel insurance, passport, birth certificate etc so that we can access it offline and across all our devices.

Dropbox is also super handy to quickly exchange photos across devices which aren't the same. For example, Stefan has just Mac products and Seb anything non mac. Dropbox has been the best way to send each other photos in their original format WhatsApp reduces the format. Use our sign up link to download the app and you'll get an additional MB of free space added to your starting allowance. What happens if you suffer from illness, injury, theft or a cancellation?

With travel insurance, you can have peace of mind and not worry. We love World Nomads travel insurance and have been using it for years. Their comprehensive coverage is second to none and their online claims process is very user friendly. Support can include anything from practical advice, to free evacuation from areas with extreme weather or security risks.

You can read more about CloseCircle in our article about how to stay safe whilst traveling. You'll particularly need it in countries where gay dating apps are blocked by the government. We recommend ExpressVPN , a reliable and cost effective service which we used and loved during our travels. We love Booking. Added bonus: Our favorite place to look is GetYourGuide because they have over 30, highly rated activities, a user-friendly booking process with free cancellation and a 24 hour customer support. This article contains affiliate links. If you click on them, we may receive compensation which keeps our website alive and helps us bring you to more destinations.

Thanks Bernard. I use Maps. For us though we found G maps more user friendly especially since they allow you to pre download maps. I swear by many of these. All apps looks good but not sure if they have India specific information. Nevertheless, would try some. You guys seem like champions, you can feel your energy in your posts. Great list. Thanks for sharing.

Top 5 Best Gay Dating Apps 2018 [Most Popular Gay Hookup Apps]

Great list of apps! Ooo the Icoon app looks handy, though it would take away from the fun game of charades I always like to play when trying to communicate in another language! Thanks for the great tips! I really should get around to using Skyscanner more often. Interesting to know about Vespa and misterbnb. Sweet, those are some great apps. And dang, less than pounds to BKK? Some great tips. Every conversation starts as a jigsaw and with every message you send a piece is removed. T his app is designed to help women take control of the online dating process by ensuring they make the first move before any conversation can take place.

Bell sees it more from a man's perspective, however.

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Get now. F ounded in , Grindr is now the biggest social networking app for gay, bi and queer men. While it is more than a dating app, with an emphasis on fashion, photography and social issues, at its core is the quest to help gay men find love. Sign up now. M atch.

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