Mauritius gay dating sites

Brought to the island as labourers during the recent British colonial period more than half the population of 1. The rest of the population is made up of Arabian muslim traders, well-heeled Catholic Europeans and a smattering of new economic migrants from China. After a complex series of invasions, conflicts and power-sharing Mauritius was given full independence from Britain in The new prime minister, the heroic Sir Ramgoolam, declared the island a sovereign nation and began plotting a course of its own, with tourism as the major earning pot.

But for all the variety of peoples and cultures, gay life on the island is hard to find.

Gay Mauritius

The locals are a conservative bunch and traditional values are tightly held. A delicate balance in the staus quo between cultures and races means that homosexuality is not accepted among the locals.

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Most of the gay guys I met admitted that they were planning to leave the island at some point, and many go to South Africa or Europe as soon as they can afford the journey. However, there are a few discreet gay beaches, Trou aux Biches, Mont Choisy, Grand Baie and Pereybere, on the north coast, though check local news groups on the internet as the exact locations shift monthly. In fact, the whole gay community uses the internet to arrange meetings and get-togethers. Rendezvous are very discreet, which can make attending them risky affairs.

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Most guys who make it onto the tiny scene are under The following comments were sent to GlobalGayz from a native of Mauritius regarding his early life as a gay young man in his country. The picture he paints is unhappy and stress-filled as he faced persecution and rejection from all sides.

Gay dating Mauritius

I was lucky enough to come from a well off family who had the means to offer me an escape to South Africa. Its beaches may be lovely but its standards sure leave lots to be desired. In spite of the lack of a scene however, a gay tourist will have no problems on vacation in this idyllic corner of the globe. The locals are friendly and courteous to visitors, and the ambience of the island is of gentle relaxation and tranquillity. The Hindu tradition of transvestite-ism, Hirjas, is well known on the island, although I asked one of our tour guides about this and he claimed to know nothing about it.

But our bus driver, a previously mute fellow, became very animated about the topic. The Heritage Resort, in the south of the island, where I stayed, already has a special deal for French gay tourists. There were loved-up, well-heeled French guys canoodling subtly on the beach. Special deals for same-sex couples celebrating nuptials offer big discounts if you show your official registration papers on booking.

The island is best visited on a package tour. Independent travel is possible, but flights are not cheap and hotels can be expensive if you book them off the street. The Heritage is a glorious 5-star complex with golf course, Spa Centre, water sports, more bars and restaurants than you could wish for and three members of staff per guest.

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Each Villa is decorated in rich earth tones while turquoise lagoon pools are scattered everywhere. I'm nice to meettttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt and ask me to tell you more. Seeker Age: Mauritius , , Long mountain.

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Friend seeker Similardi Age: Mauritius , New York , port louis. Nikhil35 Age: Mauritius , Alabama , forest side.

The Way It Is–Life on Mauritius as a Gay Person

Mauritius , , albion. Mauritius , Alabama , vacoas. Mauritius , California , port louis. Bennos Age: Mauritius , , vacoas phoenix. Gaykaush Age: Mauritius , Alabama , Triolet. Pages 1 2. Mauritius gay dating: Join Mauritius gay online dating site to meet gays in Mauritius. Many gay singles in Mauritius are waiting to meet you online. Dating gay personals in Mauritius is completely free.

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Life on Mauritius as a Tourist

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