Hornet gay dating login

Recalling his name just got simpler! See someone you like? Hornet Premium Subscription Hornet is the Gay app with the most free features! Help support us buy purchasing a premium subscription. Privacy policy: We update Hornet as often as possible to make it faster and more reliable for you to connect with guys.

This version includes a number of bug fixes, feature enhancements and performance improvements, such as: Too late!

About Hornet – Redefining the Gay App

We are sorry about the spam messages on Hornet. Fixing the problem is our top priority and we are working around the clock to fix it. Or they are in the military in Africa but will be home soon. Or wanting to exchange sex for money. This used to be a decent app. Now not so much. And it seems to be more that I report it. I get it now!

Shady shady af. So as we know many of these apps are created by gay men. The set up their rules and standards. Grindr is another like this. I went through and sound countless sexually explicit photos for public view. Also so note these explicit photos were of really hot guys. Well I guess that the biz if you want to attract guys to your app you need to put the meat out there. Hornet your no different than Grindr. Whoever is approving the profiles and photos is probably jerking off to the hot guys and denying the average guy to post similar pics. App Store Preview.

This app is only available on the App Store for iOS devices. Screenshots iPhone iPad. Choose "My Profile". Choose "Log Out". Choose "Account", then scroll to the very bottom and select "Delete account". This is an irreversible action. Thank you for your question. We will answer it as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, there are no experience reports about Hornet. Be the first one and share your experiences:. Thank you for sharing your experience! After verifying it we will publish your experience here. This page is available in following countries: Last updated: January Can be done in literally 5 seconds You can only register through your Google or Facebook account No password needed You're given an automatic 5-character username.

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Unlimited for all users No compiled messaging page on the PC version Chat box format Sending messages to other users is free for everyone There is a chatroom. Shows a member's follower count STD status is available, but displaying it is not mandatory Activity feed - updates on members' most recent activities The profiles are not very detailed Profile pictures are visible to everyone for free Password, profile photos, personal information can be edited later.

Account Options

Has a separate inbox page unlike the PC version Still has the Stories section Full of ads Users report issues with spam bots Messages and attachments sent can't be undone or deleted. Design and Usability If you look at the Stories tab, it looks like a legitimate entertainment website that's interesting enough to maybe spend an hour on. Free Services. Fee based Services. In comparison to other providers Hornet is upper moderate. Payment Options. Hornet, as a social network, is a glittering success. It has plenty of members evenly distributed throughout the world its key markets are France, Russia, Brazil, Turkey, and Taiwan , it provides original and refreshing content, and it facilitates connections not limited to the romantic kind.

Thanks to its features, you can easily make new friends abroad. However, it is quite lacking on the online dating side. On the desktop, the website is more focused on showing you who just recently signed up rather than cultivating your relationship with the guys you've already exchanged messages with.

Our Review

Facts What is Hornet? How does the Hornet app work? Is the Hornet app safe? Is there a Hornet blog? Is there a Hornet app for Windows phones? As of the time of writing, no. It's only available for Android and iOS.

Opinions about Hornet

Is the Hornet app available for Blackberry? Is Hornet available on the PC?

Hornet Review February 12222

Just go to Hornet. Is there a Hornet app for straight people? Usability What does the orange dot mean? How can I see someone's private photos? How can I upload more photos? How do I logout of Hornet? How do I deactivate my Hornet account? Hornet was built by gay men to create the hottest online community and has, unlike other apps, most features already free, such as hundreds of profiles views.

Tell everyone how much you like this in the play store reviews.

We love positive feedback! Be anywhere you want with a drop of a pin! Use the simple Explore feature to mingle with gay guys before you are there! Hornet Premium Subscription Hornet is the Gay app with the most free features! Help support us buy purchasing a premium subscription. Privacy policy: Reviews Review Policy. We're excited to introduce Version 5 - a major update making it easier to connect in more meaningful ways!
