Gay dating foreigner advice

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All of our members are looking for a lasting relationship. Lesbian dating is one of our areas of expertise. Loads of lesbian singles from the Uk and other parts of Europe have trust in our professional lesbian dating service. If your German skills are as bad as you say they are..

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When I got here, way back in , I was lucky enough to only meet people from the former East who couldn't speak English If you need any help in getting health insurance, or any of the paper work just ask I love filling forms out: I didn't say everyone is a slut. And I actually met a really nice guy at Berghain one of the few times I went OK it was more like 3am!

Love is possible here sure, but trying in a city of so many gays can quickly get you down. And I'm not particularly fussy ;.

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I know that feeling well I do know the "I don't do ONS" then they have sex with you and that's that I was just annoyed that they couldn't be honest with me I haven't said that anyone here doesn't speak German or doesn't want to I realise that doesn't say he was advocating not learning the language or indeed not using, but as someone who loves other languages I have a problem with that attitude, I think if people go to a foriegn country learning the native language should be rather high on the list of things to do, but that's another thread: I realise that doesn't say he was advocating not learning the language You're right in thinking that I'm not advocating not learning the language.

I started studying German back in San Francisco so that I could use it when I came here for vacation. I would feel pretty arrogant if I was not able to communicate in German as I would expect anyone living in the states to have some basic knowledge of English. That said, almost everyone here not only the Germans speaks English, something that has unfortunately slowed my progress in speaking German. Plus many people myself included find German difficult.

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Still, it's really convenient for anyone who's moving here and has little or no knowledge of German. Just be aware that there can be some miscommunication at times. For instance, some Germans use the word "irritated" when they mean "confused" as it seems to be a direct translation from the German word "irritiert".


Believe me, that mix up led to a lengthy, heated discussion at the beginning of my relationship. Berlin has everything any big city has its what you make of it and where you choose to hang out as a gay man. I'm glad you understood it the way I meant it: I also remember the lengthy arguements Klaus and I had at the beginning of our relationship, when we had to stop to look the word up: Posted 4 Aug I am gay, English, 24, and been living here for almost 2 years now Love is dead in Berlin.

Being a slut is simple, finding a long term boyfriend not so much Although I agree that there are many great places in the city and that it is a tolerant place to live, I think your take on Schoeneberg is simplistic, unfair and a more than a bit judgmental. Also, being over thirty , I have some friends over thirty who have met a partner in Berlin and got married and even done it myself.

And heaven forbid we like to even go for a beer now and then in Schoeneberg! When I was 24, I wasn't really into getting super serious and probably would have run from what you described too, but I don't think that makes someone a slut either and who cares if they are for that matter.

Maybe you are coming on a bit strong? Just sayin' As for the OP, I hope the advice above has helped, Berlin is a wonderful city - don't worry too much about "finding the one". I think it will happen when the time's right, no matter where you are: I've done the drunken cycling thing before: But your "Love is dead" in Berlin mantra is not unique to Berlin or even Germany. It sounds to me more like growing pains as you move further and further from your teens to that dealthly number of 30!

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For many people, a big cathartic change happens around 27 years old. Most young guys are sluts because, well, it's call over-abundance of testosterone flying around in a young man's body. In hetero-relationships, the testosterone is counter-balanced by a woman. Skip to content. Date safe Our unique privacy and moderation policies make messaging and meeting potential Soulmates simple, secure and stress-free.

Guyliner shares his top 10 gay dating tips to help you bag a great date.

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