Bad escort clients gay

Total bullshit. I don't care how much a john fucks up. Listing his phone number in a public place as a gay escort customer is entirely out of proportion in terms of vindication. If you screw a rentboy, he has the right to screw you right back. None of this turn the other cheek bullshit. This is REAL life. If you don't have the tact to simply call or are just playing games, you deserve to be put up on that site for all to see.

Leaving aside the argument that escorts should have respect for client privacy as a professional ethic, don't you think this kind of thing could be bad for business? I totally agree, but you're making this argument on a Web site where most of the posters have no problem with outing both celebs and non-celebs alike, so I doubt you'll get much traction.

No, I've just read the blog, in which he repeatedly attacks escorts who are addicts or lie about their HIV status, and his anger seems remarkably genuine.

He's repeatedly threatened to out them if they keep their antics up. He sounds like a real Miss Priss to me, OP. All this tut-tutting about how much better he is than everyone else. And the pictures of his shaved chest. And his long blond hair. And his spa days. Blah, blah, blah. Please, R He's a whore. Of course he's going to diss other whores out. It reduces the competition. I agree, but I have to give him credit for being articulate. He seems to be one of those escorts you could actually go out with and have a decent conversation at dinner before going back to the hotelroom and have some pretty hot sex.

I'm a past client of his and he's the real deal. His blog, 15mm, is a lot of fun and reveals a life of someone who seems to truly enjoy each day. I wish I could have said that at his age. Carpe diem, indeed. Doesn't shave his chest. Naturally smooth guy. Frankly, who gives a shit if he's an escort?

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He's earning more money than most of you could imagine and loves his worldly life. I'd go for that too at his age. Maybe you've forgotten. This is the guy who had the rumored relationship with Trent Lott, which rumored relationship forced Lott's abdication from public life. Bennie kept his silence, thus winning the Repub Party's annual Matt Sanchez award for most discrete working boy. Yes, every escort takes notes of people with whom they have bad experiences and blacklists them for the future. I am an escort, and if somebody is a flake, too repulsive to fuck, disrespectful, rude, or simply a bad lay, I add them as a contact on my phone, assign a telling nickname like StoodMeUp Joe or Morbidly Obese Country Turd , then I refuse to answer their calls, texts and emails.

One time, this psychotic, Mormon closet case tried to actually convert me to Mormonism and wanted me to be his regular "apprentice" and secret fag under god -- a REAL headcase. He was also coldly still and silent during physical interaction, like a real judgmental axe murderer or something. I also get obscene or prank phone calls from scumbags every now and then. One even arranged a date just to waste my time, gas, etc. I have to label and block those types. I am thinking of going into escorting and have an interview with an agency. Is it safe for a newbie?

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I would never trust or hire an escort who didn't show his dick and asshole pics first; porn is even more preferable. How is being in the top ten largest cities in the country being in "such a relatively small city"? It's 7th in rank in population, just so you know. My only issue with Ben I used to live in S. Don't sign for exclusive "pimp" rights to an agency, unless it's super high-class with a billionaire clientele network already in place and you know FOR SURE you'll be getting tons of money.

Most guys just pimp themselves through websites like rentboy, or at the trashiest level, craigslist. I only use men4rent and rentboy. That said, Forest lets his boys advertise on rentboy, too, so he doesn't have a cut of every job.

Josh Brandon, UK's highest earning gay male escort, Londoner #115

It's not exclusive. That just seems very odd to me when receiving money is their main and only? There's just no way.

First time with an escort: A male-to-male perspective

Every ho has to set his or her own boundaries. We're no different than anybody else in any other profession or relationship. There's only so much you can fake. So I give it my best shot to get into someone, but if they're ugly, tinymeat AND a dead fish, then it's just not happening. I only promise people to try to get into them; to give them a shot. The last time it happened, I was with this insatiable BDSM, aggressive hairy bottom who wanted to be slammed forcefully and repeatedly into his gaping, black holes. I could only stay hard when I was jerking myself -- his monstrous, violent, weak suck job would actually WILT my dick.

I told him I just wasn't feeling it. I was exhausted and mellow from the gym; he was looking for a wrecking ball and I just wasn't up to it.

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By no stretch of the imagination could Benjamin Nicholas be considered "Hot'. She looks like a methed out Eric Stolz suffering from Alopecia. Benjamin is handsome and has a great body. If his beauty wasn't apparent he wouldn't be so successful in the business he's in. Sounds to me like there are a lot of broke ass old gay men on this site who wish they had a shot with someone of Benjamin's caliber. Actually, it's 28th. It'd only be seventh if you cheat and listed it in a combined statistical area with Austin, San Marcos and New Braunfels.

What I meant, more specifically, is that it would make more sense for him to move to a city with a hub airport. Even Austin's airport gets quite a bit more traffic, even though it's a smaller city. More on the alleged Trent Lott hookups. Oooooh, the story gets better! Check out the update emphasis added by me on the original story: I'm sure he would appreciate no further scrutiny.

Ben's response to bighead was on his blog. If you cared to actually do some research, you'd have already know that. C'mon dataloungers, you guys are usually so much better at getting it right. It's obvious that Ben was blindsided by what amounted to bullshit gossip. Then why did he give such a vague and elusive comment to BigHead?

more on this story

Dude, didn't Ben make it clear that bighead bullshitted their story? Did bighead ever provide proof emails with headers of the alleged quotes? No, they didn't.

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It died on the vine because it wasn't a story at all. Bighead is now a DEAD website anyway. That fugly racist ho has a great body, but his face is jacked up. Sorry, but we all know it's true. It looks like Ben Nicholas and Mr. James x.

Uncensored: ” I’m Thinking of Calling a Gay Escort”

Cleanliness is at the definitely top of the list! Thanks for sharing you thoughts James xx. I once paid upfront for 2hrs then after an hour the guy made an excuse to go out to his car to get something.
